Punjab govt approves tourist glass train project from Rawalpindi to Murree

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2024-06-30T17:00:21+05:00 Web Desk

MURREE – Punjab Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz and PML-N President Nawaz Sharif chaired a five-hour-long meeting where Senior Provincial Minister Maryam Aurangzeb provided a detailed briefing on the Murree Development Plan.

The meeting approved the Murree Development Plan, including beautification, transportation, and renovation projects, as well as the tourist glass train project from Rawalpindi to Murree.

It was decided to engage international consultants for the Rawalpindi to Murree tourist glass train and to restore the historical names of every city, area, and building, including Murree.

During the meeting, it was decided to remove high-rise hotel buildings that obstruct the natural scenery on Mall Road. Hotels will be relocated from the famous GPO Chowk to alternative sites, and a uniform appearance and color scheme will be applied to historical buildings.

The meeting also directed the implementation of a uniform appearance, signage, and color scheme for historical buildings on Mall Road.

Additionally, the authority to approve amendments to building regulations for construction in Murree was transferred to the provincial level.

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