Kashmir issue must be resolved for genuine peace in region, says Gen Raheel Sharif

RAWALPINDI (Staff Report) – Chief of Army Staff (COAS) General Raheel Sharif has said that Kashmir is an unfinished agenda and that Kashmir issue must be resolved for genuine peace in the South Asian region, said DG Inter-Services Public Relations (ISPR) Lt General Asim Bajwa on Friday.

Addressing at a ceremony in Royal United Services Institute, the army chief said that disputes between Pakistan and India reside in Kashmir issue and Indian violations of ceasefire along Line of Control (LoC) are further creating tensions in the region. Indian intransigence and anti-Pakistan policy affecting the region negatively, he added.

General Raheel Sharif went on to say that false propaganda against Pakistan must end now and other countries should also come forward to eliminate terrorism. He reiterated that Pakistani security forces will continue fighting to bring a total peace in the region.

He told participants that security environment of Pakistan is improving as a result of successful military operation Zarb-e-Azb and situations are suitable for upward economic trajectory.

Talking about peace in Afghanistan, the COAS said that Pakistan is ready to cooperate with Afghan leadership at any level to bring real peace in the war torn country. He once again urged Afghan government to continue a process of reconciliation while keeping an eye on detractors and spoilers.

He added that Pakistan has brotherly relationship with Afghanistan and both countries should cooperate with each other in terms of border management and intelligence sharing.

Here is the twitter thread of DG ISPR Lt General Asim Saleem Bajwa:

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