Elon Musk to launch a ChatGPT competitor

A platform for artificial intelligence (AI) called “TruthGPT” will be launched by billionaire Elon Musk to compete with Microsoft and Google’s AI platforms.

In an interview with Fox News on Monday Elon Musk accused OpenAI, the company behind the trending chatbot ChatGPT, which is supported by Microsoft, of “training the AI to lie” and said that OpenAI has since transformed into a closed source, “for-profit” organisation.”

Additionally, he charged Google co-founder Larry Page with not taking AI safety seriously.
Musk claimed, “I’m going to start something which I call ‘TruthGPT’, or a maximal truth-seeking AI that seeks to comprehend the essence of the universe.

TruthGPT, he claimed, “might be the best path to safety” and “unlikely to annihilate humans.”

Musk repeated his cautions about AI, stating that “AI is more dangerous than, say, mismanaged aircraft design or production maintenance or bad car production.”

It may end up destroying civilizations, he warned.

Musk co-founded OpenAI in 2015, but he left the organization’s board of directors in 2018. He tweeted in 2019 that he had to concentrate on Tesla and SpaceX and had quit OpenAI.

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