Tax on beauty products

Females play a significant role in our society, serving as the backbone of families and communities. Their contributions are essential for the smooth functioning of life and the development of communities.

Additionally, females have diverse needs and preferences, particularly about beauty products. Many women prioritize their beauty and use various makeup products to enhance their appearance. Some consider these products essential for their daily routine, while others consider them optional.

Regardless of economic status, most girls use makeup products. However, the recent 7% increase in tax on beauty products in the 2024-2025 budget by the Government of Pakistan has had a significant impact on women, especially.

1. Cost increase: The tax hike will raise the prices of all beauty products, impacting purchasing power and disrupting personal care product budgets.

2. Affordability: This will also impact people’s ability to afford these products. Higher prices make the items less accessible, especially for those with lower incomes.

3. Daily routine: Women who use beauty products for work spend a significant portion of their income on these products. This affects their daily routine and professional appearance.

4. Quality: The increased taxes will raise costs, putting many quality brands out of reach for middle-class consumers. This limits options for women. Unable to afford expensive products, some compromise on quality and turn to cheaper, potentially harmful alternatives.

I recently interviewed a friend who wears makeup daily for work. She relies on beauty products to maintain her professional appearance. With the rising prices, she will have to allocate more of her income to these products, disrupting her budget and necessitating adjustments to other expenses. In her words, she said, “I AM TENSE! HOW WOULD I MANAGE ALL MY EXPENSES WITH SUCH EXORBITANT BEAUTY PRODUCTS, WHICH ARE MY ESSENTIALS? FOR EXAMPLE, MY SUNSCREEN, MY FACEWASH, MY MOISTURIZER, ETC.”

It’s clear that women are disproportionately affected by this tax increase.


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