Scrolling through my news feed, I had a sudden realization that social events other than blurry ones are on the rise in Lahore. From poetry slams, book readings and launches, film festivals and dance shows to open mics; events honoring culture and literacy are in vogue. It is uplifting to observe their increment in the city. Lahore is and always has been a culture hub but the celebration of culture is now morphing into new forms.
With the recent “Date Night” musical comedy play staged in Lahore to the Lahore Music Meet in the recent past, the inhabitants of the city are being provided with opportunities for entertainment other than spending an exorbitant amount of cash on mediocre lavishly marketed food.
Being in the audience of a number of open mics, stand up comedies and the like it dawned upon me how desperately our people need sources of cathartic release from quotidian schedules, how pertinent it is to be able to get out of the house and share a good laugh with a bunch of strangers.
As a budding psychologist, I see it as a form of group therapy. Many bookstores now host open mics where story sharing is always enlightening and educative to realities.  In other dimensions it’s a great window for unacknowledged young talent to sprout, for angsty individuals to release stress and for anyone who attends to widen their dating pool being in the company of like-minded individuals.
It is not uncommon to observe a tacky ambiance in most cafes and restaurants of the city when one wants to get out of the house and celebrate. It is also not uncommon for such an ambiance to induce self-consciousness on the other party and create an aura of tawdry exhibitionism but these literary events have somehow managed to have people with an inclination for appreciating aesthetic.
It is hoped that such events continue to lighten up the inhabitants of the city. Cheers.