Where did Pokemon Go go?

NEW YORK – Virtual reality game Pokemon go was stumping the internet since its release back in July and fan droids were going crazy after catching the adorable characters but have you wondered why the stupendous game faded in a matter of few months.

Many mobile games suffer a decline a few months after the release but the staggering downswing that Pokemon witnessed compelled game developers to shelve better plans for sustaining the popularity.

By mid-September, daily revenues of the game had fallen from $US16 million per day to $US2 million (excluding the 30 per cent app store fee) and daily downloads had declined from a peak of 27 million to 700,000.

Related: Govt officers ordered not to play Pokemon Go

Blogger Mark Humphery-Jenner has put forth certain aspects highlighting the misery behind declining growth of Niantic’s roll out.

In his opinion, the developers didn’t not pay attention to upgrading the application. No such amazing characters were introduced with time and that made the players get bored. The only significant addition was  a Pokemon Go wearable device that simply could not compensate the need for gameplay up gradation.

The “buddy Pokemon” feature allowing affiliates to join in also failed to re-attract gamers.

Related: How to play Pokemon Go – A complete guide for newbies

Although Pokemon lured many customers in but at the same time observers opine that the game was not that deep in fact many term it as “broken”. The only mesmerising feature was virtual reality feature allowing players to catch Pokemon’s in real world through mobile’s camera.

What to say of introducing new features, Pokemon also disabled the original ones including ‘Pokemon tracking’ that created a virtual representation of the player’s real-world location, which was then populated with Pokemon characters for players to collect by walking around.

Related: Gotta catch ’em all: Pokemon Go starts landing users in dangerous situations

Niantic also banned rooted devices so as to prevent “geo-spoofing” but the move appears to be backfiring.

Moreover, after sale service was not sprung into action effectively and the players kept on complaining about server issues but to everyone’s surprise, Niantic reportedly kept mum and the lack of communication literally killed it.

The only way Niantic can make its way back in gaming industry is to thrash out emergency rescue plan featuring dedicated events luring addicts to throng into the event for catching special Pokemon’s and to expand its business horizon over to China and Asian countries.

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