UN chief opposes any unilateral measures amid Trump s Jerusalem move

NEW YORK – United Nation Secretary-General Antonio Guterres has said that he has consistently spoken out against any unilateral measures that would jeopardize the prospect of peace for Israelis and Palestinians.

The statement of the UN chief follows an announcement by the United States President Donald Trump regarding recognising Jerusalem as the capital of Israel.


He stressed there is no alternative to the two-state solution and that Jerusalem is an issue that must be resolved through direct negotiations between the parties, the statement added.

“In this moment of great anxiety, I want to make it clear: there is no alternative to the two-state solution. There is no Plan B,” said Guterres.

In his remarks, the UN chief noted that it is only by realising the vision of two states “living side-by-side in peace, security and mutual recognition, with Jerusalem as the capital of Israel and Palestine, and all final status issues resolved permanently through negotiations,” that the legitimate aspirations of both peoples will be achieved.

“I understand the deep attachment that Jerusalem holds in the hearts of so many people. It has been so for centuries and it will always be,” he added.

“For my part as the UN Secretary-General, I will do everything in my power to support the Israeli and Palestinian leaders to return to meaningful negotiations and to realize this vision of a lasting peace for both people,” he stated.

On Wednesday, the US recognised the holy city of Jerusalem as the capital of the illegal state of Israel.


“I have determined that it is time to officially recognize Jerusalem as the capital of Israel,” the president said during a speech in the Diplomatic Reception Room of the White House, ordering the State Department to move the US Embassy in Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

Trump added, “Jerusalem is not just the heart of three great religions, but it is now also the heart of one of the most successful democracies in the world.”

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