Sex with car lands American man in hospital

NEWTON – An extremely intoxicated man who was attempting to have sex with the tailpipe of a car in central Kansas was subdued by police with a stun gun after he refused to stop.

Officers found the 24-year-old naked underneath the vehicle, attempting to interfere with the exhaust pipe, The Kansan reported.

“He was high on some sort of drug,” Lieutenant Scott Powell of the Newton (Kansas) Police Department said.

“Officers were there, and he continued to try and have sex with the tailpipe of the car. He would not listen to commands or anything. … They ended up taking him.”

Police said the man was so incoherent they took him to hospital instead of to the station.

The 24-year-old man is expected to be charged with a misdemeanour of lewd and lascivious behaviour.

This isn’t the first time sex acts on cars have made headlines.

In 2014, Washington native Edward Smith claimed he had sex with more than 700 cars.

In an interview with UK show This Morning, Mr Smith admitted he is sexually attracted to machines and found them more arousing than women.

He also said he’s had a relationship with a helicopter and planes and lost his virginity to a VW Beetle.

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