Trump talk banned on United Airline flight after passengers argue about President-elect

SAN FRANCISCO – A passenger on a flight from San Francisco to Mexico recorded a pilot’s announcement discouraging political talk in flight after an argument about Donald Trump.

The passenger, Jon Bauer posted a video to YouTube he said was recorded by a friend on a United flight Friday morning from San Francisco to Puerto Vallarta, Mexico.

Bauer said the passenger began to film just after the pilot asked passengers to refrain from discussing President-elect Donald Trump or other hot-button political issues while in the air.

“I understand everybody has their opinions; that’s fine,” the captain says over the plane’s speaker system in the video.

“If you support him, great. If you don’t, I understand. However, we’re out here to go to Puerto Vallarta, supposed to be having a good time, and what I do ask is that as people we have the common decency to respect each others’ decisions and to get along on this three hour and thirteen minute flight so that we can have a good time when we get down there.

Nobody wants to argue, nobody wants — nobody is going to change their minds by arguing. And let’s keep our opinions to ourselves on this particular matter at this particular time.

 If there’s anyone that has a problem with this, that needs to vent or rant or rave — there’s another flight tomorrow. You’re not going to be on this one. I hope that’s clear.”

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