Twitter on verge of complete shutdown for non compliance with Pakistan

WASHINGTON – Popular social media network, Twitter, might be banned completely across Pakistan as it is failing to comply with the standards laid out by the government in the pretext of objectionable content.

The microblogging site is becoming popular across the Muslim-majority state due to its political flavour, however, the Pak­istan Telecommuni­cation Authority (PTA) has now informed the Senate Standing Com­mittee on Cabinet Secre­tariat that Twitter was not obliging the requests forwarded by the government.

“Out of a hundred requests from Pakistan to block certain offensive material, roughly five per cent are entertained. Twitter ignores all the remaining requests,” Director General of PTA’s Internet Policy and Web Analysis, Nisar Ahmed, told the committee.

Mr Ahmed also mentioned that the Islamabad High Court has recently directed to serve a final notice to the website to block the objectionable content or face a suspension in the country.

“The PTA has conveyed the court’s concern to Twitter but has not got a response. The regulatory authority will implement court orders if Twitter does not respond to the final notice,” said Mr Ahmed, in a clear message that the network might be blocked in days to come.

The committee met for a briefing on penalties fixed by the PTA against ‘derogatory’ comments spreading through social media targeting the state, its citizens and its institutions.

What bolsters the chances of Twitter shutdown is the observation of PTA official that the network was not as popular in Pakistan as Facebook, and so they had little to lose if Twitter was blocked.

“The court is determined to teach Twitter a lesson — they will lose business,” he said in clear worded remarks.

The PTA officer also quoted the example of Facebook and Youtube contending that the tech giants were extremely cooperative with Pakistan.

“In fact, Facebook has appointed a focal person of Pakistani nationality to address the concerns. YouTube is now also offering a local version in the country and removing offensive material,” the official explained.

Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf information sectary Fawad Chaudhry also dished in on the development and said  his party was against any kind of censorship on free media.

“Those who do not wish to see objectionable and offensive content should not search for such content,” said Mr Chaudhry, and elaborated that the social media is also used for job hunting and business promotion.

The reports of a complete Twitter shutdown might appear to be a rumor, however, Pakistan had closed the doors on Facebook in 2008 and on Youtube in 2012, for blasphemous content. PTA had played a pivotal role in the blockage and the monitoring agency might met out the same treatment to Twitter.

The debate regarding the suspension of the network stemmed out of a case heard by the Islamabad High Court regarding the promotion of controversial content on social media.

In its judgment on March 31, 2017, Justice Shaukat Aziz Siddiqui had directed the concerned departments to strive for removing the objectionable content from the social media.

During the hearing of a petition drawing the court’s attention to non-implementation of its judgment, the judge remarked that the court might pass orders to block the site.

“In case the Twitter’s management refuses to remove the blasphemous material, the court may pass an order to the PTA to block Twitter.” remarked the judge.

The non-compliance by Twitter seems to be the continuation of its increased inclination towards India and ignorance of Pakistani users.

In November last year, it was reported by famous media personality, Moeed Pirzada that Twitter had divided its operations around the world into regions and India would be controlling the handles operated in Pakistan.

A practical example of this influence was seen in July 2017, when Facebook removed all posts related to Burhan Wani and Kashmir, suspended accounts and pages talking about Burhan Wani and Kashmir.


Although ‘Internet Governing Laws’ don’t allow the digital platforms to develop their policies according to one country’s law, however, the removal of these posts and suspension of pages indicate that Twitter are largely influenced by Indian Law.

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