Life of career oriented girl in Pakistan

Dear Madelaine,

My story is a struggle of a female Software Engineer who recently got education in MSc.

My father died a few years back due to cancer and I am the one who supports my family. Recently I decided to do my MSc from Germany and for the same reason, I applied in Germany. I got admission in MSc in Computer Simulations and also Applied Mathematics in Digital Media, but I was short of $5000 out of $10.000 (Euro 8640 are required for German visa) I asked several ‘rich’ relatives for loan, and even assured them that I would return to them, but the only thing I heard from them is ‘Why a girl is going to study’.

Moreover, several aunties brain washed my mother to get her married and not to let her study. Nobody helped and in the end I definitely will have to end up getting married here as nobody will every come forward to help a girl pursue her dreams. This is how a life is for a career oriented girl in Pakistan.


A Pakistani career oriented female.

I chose to share this story with you because we often forget the women who have problems outside marriage and sexual harassment: another problem with sexism is of course career and education restrictions. The girl who shared this with me is bravely pursuing education against her family views. I hope her courage inspires other women to do the same.

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