ExperiencePakistan: The place where adventures begin

I have been dreaming about visiting Pakistan for almost two years. To me, Pakistan has been a mysterious, unexplored and a magnificent country. The land, which majority of western people don’t even dare to dream about. The land they consider to be “too different” from others.

I, a twenty two years old Russian woman, was bold enough to go against all odds and cautions and experience a Pakistani life.

These are the 5 things that I discovered about Pakistan during my visit:


1. My world will never be the same again!

The first thing that I’ve realized in Pakistan is that my world will never be the same again.

You just start realizing the fact that every prejudice or preconception that you have held for years is simple not true.


You realize that the world is much more diverse than you have thought. It’s not necessary to follow dress code and behavior patterns you see in Hollywood movies, to party every weekend, or to eat with a fork.

In Pakistan, i experienced things that i had never imagined before. I haven’t seen a place like Pakistan, where traditions and modernity live in such a balanced and harmonious way and in fact, compliment each other.

2. Never believe in stereotypes!

European world tends to see Pakistan as an underdeveloped and underprivileged country that has poor state of affairs. Majority of them do not expect what i have seen in Pakistan – a competent education system, cultural wealth and diversity and advanced science.


Pakistan proved all of my stereotypes and prejudgments wrong. It is an amazing place to live: virgin nature, luscious cuisine and the most hospitable people ever.



3. Attitude towards women and family!

When i arrived here,  i was totally surprised at how important are women held in this society. They are protected. They are respected. They are considered to be valuable. Here, woman is a treasure, meanwhile in my country she is just a workforce. Pakistani men do not avoid liability and take their responsibilities well.


I was amazed at the family values that we have lost in the west and couldn’t preserve them again. I believe all our relationship issues we face in the Europe can be figured out here, we just need to adopt this centuries-old wisdom.


4. Rare beauty of people!

Well, my love at first sight is definitely Shalwar Qameez. Its an incredible feeling when you put on not just a dress, but a colorful masterpiece.


I wish to wear it for always!

The natural beauty of people here is enthralling. Huge dark eyes, glorious black hair, men’s bear are some of the features that mesmerized me. Nothing is artificial, i couldn’t find anything that is man-made. If i have experienced any ‘culture shock’ here – it is certainly a beautiful culture shock then.



5. My favorite point – interaction with the environment!

As a foreigner, i bring my culture that stands contrast to the native culture. I have some practices that i do every day. For example, i walk alone everyday. As an independent Russian woman, I’m not going to give it up just because my friends think it’s dangerous.


Notwithstanding the prevalent misconception, i walk alone from my house to a shopping mall which is 25 minutes away.

And I’m still alive! I use a taxi everyday to attend yoga classes. And I’m not afraid. And now I’m absolutely convinced that Pakistan is safe.

Thank you, Pakistan, for making me wiser and finding out a better version of myself out of me. Want to get a bit of wisdom? Go and experience Pakistan!

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