Historical Blackout: Controlling the Narrative

“How are they ever going to know” he asked. “Who? How is ‘who’ ever going to know what?” I asked. “How are the American people ever going to know what the truth is? How are they going to know what the truth is about what we are doing and have done over the years?” he said. “We operate in secrecy, we deal in deception and disinformation, and then we burn our files. How will the historians ever be able to learn the complete truth about what we ‘ve done in these various operations, these operations that have had such a major impact on so many important events in history?”

Conversation of a young CIA officer with his senior Victor Marchetti as reported by Marchetti

The great American historian Harry Elmer Barnes was ostracized by the Establishment because he had, very quickly and effectively, challenged the false narrative about WWI. Barnes wrote on “Revisionism and the Historical Blackout”. Revisionism is the revision of established, or rather the false Establishment version of historical events and introducing the correct one. Another great U.S. historian, Charles R. Beard, coined the remarkable phrase “Perpetual War for Perpetual Peace”. This one phrase explains the deception behind America’s wars abroad. Barnes edited a book with the above title to expose U.S. foreign policy under President Franklin Delano Roosevelt (FDR). The book shows how FDR’s foreign policy led to WWII, and how it has had a most negative impact on the globe, as well as on life in the U.S. In 1953, Barnes wrote that the U.S. could be led into an era of “interminable wars disguised as noble gestures of peace.” He also wrote, in 1953, “The police state has emerged as the dominant political pattern of our times …” The past 70 years bear testimony to his profound insight.

One of the most powerful weapons employed by the global Elite in making people accept these wars and the ugly changes they bring about, is through control of historical narrative. That control is exercised not just by introducing false or distorted textbook material in history books but also, by aggressively repressing those who challenge the Elite or Establishment narrative. Attempts at formulating an alternative, or revisionist, narrative are either vigorously obstructed, or simply kept out of public sight by several tactics. In a long article titled “The Struggle Against the Historical Blackout”, first published in 1951, Barnes outlined the methods applied to prevent revisionist historians from uncovering the truth about “world affairs since 1933”, and from preventing revisionist views from reaching the public. In 1933 FDR came to power in the U.S. However, the observations of Barnes are valid for all major historical events viz. the two World Wars, the Bolshevik Revolution, the JFK assassination, 9/11 and so on.

In 1951 Harry Elmer Barnes wrote on the global situation in the context of George Orwell’s classic novel “Nineteen Eighty-four”: “The basic pattern of Nineteen eight-four – all else is incidental – is to use perpetual and phony war to deprive the masses of the ever greater benefits of our advancing technology, lest the people have the prosperity, security, leisure and education which would enable them to do some constructive thinking and demand leadership compatible with the complex problems of our era. All the censorship, thought-policing and terror-mongering are incidental and designed to solely hold life in this pattern of life and philosophy.” All this is made possible through control of narrative.  The three great warring blocks envisioned by George Orwell in his classic book now exist: Oceania, Eurasia and Eastasia i.e. the U.S., Russia and China. 

Harry Elmer Barnes writes that “aside from subterranean persecution of individuals” several methods are adopted. Some of these are: “ (1) excluding scholars suspected of revisionist views from access to public documents which are freely opened to ‘court historians’ and apologists of foreign policy of President Roosevelt; (2) intimidating publishers of books and periodicals, so that even those who might wish to publish books and articles setting forth the revisionist point of view do not dare to do so; (3) ignoring or obscuring published material which embodies revisionist facts and arguments; (4) smearing revisionist authors….” Barnes also states that “Maintaining successful   deception of the populace is the cornerstone of sagacious statecraft under our present system of government”, is also advocated to counter revisionism. Barnes does not mention the destruction of records that could give a clue to the foul and dirty Establishment tactics in various national and international matters. Sensitive records are sometimes illegally destroyed to save skins and to prevent the truth from ever coming out.

To the above tactics, a few more have been added to the repertoire of the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment as we will illustrate by a few examples. One may start with the book “The Secrets of the Federal Reserve” written by the late Eustace C. Mullins. Mullins wrote the book on the advice of the famous poet Ezra Pound who, despite being in excellent mental health, was kept in a filthy mental asylum for thirteen years! This was done to punish him for his radiobroadcasts from Italy during WWII, denouncing the international banking families for provoking World Wars. Mullins was first introduced to Ezra Pound by one of his professors. Ezra Pound suggested that Mullins, then a young man, investigate the Federal Reserve. 

Mullins states that when, after two years of painstaking research, he finished the book in 1950, no one was willing to publish it. In the Foreword to the 1991 edition of his book Mullins writes: “Eighteen publishers turned it down without comment, but the nineteenth, Devin Garrity, president of Devin Adair Publishing Company gave me some friendly advice in his office. ‘I like your book, but we can’t print it,’ he told me. ‘Neither can anybody else in New York. Why don’t you bring in a prospectus for your novel, and I think we can give you an advance. You may as well forget about getting the Federal Reserve book published. I doubt if it could ever be printed.’” The international banking families are the core of the Elite, or to use Churchill’s term, the High Cabal, which, from behind the scenes, subjects mankind to perpetual war, strife and genocide. No publisher could dare to publish a book that exposed the conspiracy through which these families created, and then came to own, the Federal Reserve, the “State Bank” of the U.S.

Eventually, in 1952, two disciples of Ezra Pound published the book from their personal funds. But that was not the end of the story. Mullins writes that in 1955 Guido Roeder brought out a German edition of the book. “The book was seized and the entire edition of 10,000 copies burned by government agents led by Dr. Otto John.” When Roeder went to court the, “The burning of the book was upheld by judge Israel Katz of the Bavarian Supreme Court.”  And what did the U.S. government do? “The U.S. Government refused to intervene, because the U.S. High Commissioner in Germany, James B. Conant (president of Harvard University from 1933-1953), ‘had approved the initial book burning order.’ This is the only book that has been burned in Germany since world War II.” That an ex-president of Harvard had approved the book burning shows that he was himself an agent of the High Cabal, and had held his various positions due to their support.

How many Germans, or how many people anywhere in the world, have heard of this book burning episode? There is much talk of books being burned in Hitler’s time but there is absolute silence on this book burning episode in the global media, and in history textbooks. Why has this never been mentioned by the mainstream U.S. and European media? Simply because the media is a tool that works for promoting the narrative that favors the High Cabal and its agent the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment. The book was burnt because it exposed the conspiracy through which the Federal Reserve was set up and the role of the international banking families in instigating world wars. Since WWII had ended in 1945, the Germans could not be allowed to find out about the role of these families in 1955, or even later. 

A book by the legendary Col. L. Fletcher Prouty received a somewhat different treatment at the hands of the CIA and its subservient agencies. From 1955-1964 Col. Prouty had a desk at the White House where he coordinated between the military and the CIA for CIA operations that required military support. From 1962 to 1963 he served as Chief of Special Operations with the Joint Staff. Those who have seen the movie JFK will recall; Col X, a role played by Donald Sutherland. Col X was Col. Prouty. Col. Prouty had submitted the manuscript of a book with the title, “The Secret Team: The CIA and its Allies in Control of the U.S. and the Whole World”, to Prentice Hall. After Prouty had received the galley proof of the book his editor called him and suggested that he keep it at a safe place. The editor’s house had been broken into and he suspected that someone was trying to steal his copy of the galley proof. 

The book was published in 1973. After the book had gone into three editions and received about a hundred favorable reviews Col. Prouty was contacted by Ian Ballantine, the founder of Ballantine Books. He offered to print 100,000 paperbacks. As soon as the book went into bookstores something unexpected happened. Prouty writes: “Then one day a business associate in Seattle called to tell me the bookstore next to his office building had a window full of books the day before, and had none on the day of his call. They claimed they never had the book. I called other associates around the country. I got the same story all over the country.” But this was not the end. “I heard Mr. Ballantine had sold his company. I traveled to New York to visit the new “Ballantine Books” president. He professed to know nothing about the book. That was the end of that surge of publication. For some unknown reason Prentice Hall was out of my book also. It became an extinct species.”

Prouty mentions that a member of the Australian Parliament had seen his book in England at some friend’s place. Upon return to Canberra he sent his clerk to get it from a bookstore. The clerk discovered something astonishing. “Not finding it in the stores, the clerk had gone to the Customs Office where he learned that 3,500 copies of the book had arrived and had been purchased by a Colonel from the Royal Australian Army. The book was dead everywhere.” The powers that be were not content with just that. Prouty writes: “The campaign to kill the book was nationwide and worldwide. It was removed from the Library of Congress and from Congress libraries as letters I received attested all too frequently.” The book had, probably for the first time, mentioned the High Cabal and its Secret Team. For two decades the book was unavailable to the public, until a publisher approached Col. Prouty and the book was, after due additions, reprinted.

The case of Douglas Reed is an example of how, those who attempt to expose the global intrigue against mankind, are consigned to oblivion. And how their work is so difficult to publish. Reed was a well-known writer and journalist. He was the correspondent of the “The Times” and was stationed in Berlin and Vienna when Hitler was in power. One of the most profound books of the twentieth century was authored by Douglas Reed. It carried the title “The Controversy of Zion”. But before we come to that let us quote Ivor Benson from the preface to the book. Benson writes: “In Europe during the years immediately before and after World War II the name of Douglas Reed was on everyone’s lips; his books were being sold by scores of thousand, and he was known with intimate familiarity throughout the English-speaking world by a vast army of readers.” Benson points out that Reed had “won great fame” with his books. He mentions, in particular “Insanity Fair”, “Disgrace Abounding”, “Lest We Regret”, “Somewhere South of Suez”, and “Far and Wide”. But then something drastic occurred.

Ivor Benson notes: “The disappearance into total oblivion of Douglas Reed and all his works was a change that could not have been wrought by time alone …” In the year 1951 Reed Published the book “Far and Wide”. Benson points out that in this book Douglas “set the history of the United States of America into the context of all he had learned in Europe of the politics of world.” That of course included mention of secret societies, Communism, Zionism, Mafia, and the attempts to subvert Christianity. Reed noted: “The two traditional countries of the secret society, Russia and Italy, provided most of the immigrants of the last seventy years, and in the new country the secret societies were able to gain more power than even in their homelands; the masses of Jews and of Italians suffered under this equally with all others when the native-born American politician fell under the unaccustomed thrall.” Once “Far and Wide” had been published “Reed found himself banished from the bookstands, all publishers’ doors closed to him, and those books already published liable to be withdrawn from library shelves and ‘lost’ never to be replaced again.” He had touched on the sensitive connection between Zionism, Communism, secret societies and the planned immigration to America.

Already, as early as 1938, Reed had resigned from The Times because he found that he could not, despite his stories and inside information, stop the policy of “appeasement” of Hitler being followed by the then British government. Now that he was banished from bookstands and the publishers had closed their doors to him, Douglas Reed embarked on the writing of the most profound book of his life, and one of the profoundest books written in the twentieth century. “Commencing in 1951, Douglas Reed spent more than three years – much of this time separated from his wife and young family – working in the New York Central Library, or tapping away at his typewriter in spartan conditions in New York or Montreal.” By 1954 he had the book written. In 1956 he added an Epilogue. 

Reed had invested three years of laborious research into the writing of a book that had little or no chance of publication. Why then did he write it? It must be because he felt the subject was so important that the world needed to know it, sooner or later, and that someday the book was bound to find a publisher. It was spiritual motivation on his part that enabled him to pen down 300,000 words of “The Controversy of Zion”. In fact, Ivor Benson writes “Of this he was sure, whether or not it would happen in his lifetime, there would come a time when circumstances would permit, and the means found to communicate to the world his message of history rewritten, and the central message of Christianity restated.” 

Ivor Benson points out: “Although there is correspondence to show that the title was briefly discussed with one publisher, the manuscript was never submitted but remained for 22 years stowed away in three zippered files on top of a wardrobe in Reed’s home in Durban, South Africa.” Douglas Reed passed away in 1976 in South Africa. It appears that the book was published in South Africa in 1980s but not much is known about it. Finally, in 2012 Bridger House Publishers in the U.S., published the “Controversy of Zion”. A book that was given final shape in 1956, could not be published for wider audience for another 56 years! Why? Because it touched on the root cause of global troubles in the recent centuries tracing it back 2,500 years. 

Let us quote from the opening paragraphs of this deeply researched book. It deals with the controversy of Zion (emphasis added). “The true start of this affair occurred on a day in 458 BC …  On that day the petty Palestinian tribe of Judah (earlier disowned by the Israelites) produced a racial creed, the disruptive effect of which on subsequent human affairs may have exceeded that of explosives and epidemics. This was the day on which the theory of the master-race was set up as ‘the Law’. At the time Judah was a small tribe among the subject-peoples of the Persian king and what today is known as “the West” could not even be imagined. Now the Christian era is nearly two thousand years old and ‘Western civilization’ that grew out of it, is threatened with disintegration. The creed born in Judah 2,500 years ago, in the author’s opinion, has chiefly brought this about.”  

On p 223 of his book Reed writes, and this was as early as 1951-54 (emphasis in original): “The conspiracy for world dominion through a world slave sate exists and cannot at this stage be abruptly checked or broken off; of the momentum which it has acquired it now must go on to fulfilment or failure. Either will be destructive for a time, and hard for those of the time in which the denouement comes.”

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