The Punjab government has introduced the “CM Punjab Free Solar Panel Scheme,” a groundbreaking initiative to provide 100,000 solar systems to eligible households across the province. The program, inaugurated by Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz, enables residents to apply through SMS or an online portal starting today, ensuring convenience and accessibility.
Under the scheme, households consuming up to 200 units of electricity per month will receive a 1,100-watt solar system free of charge. For those consuming up to 100 units monthly, a 550-watt solar system will benefit an estimated 52,019 consumers. The distribution of these solar systems will be completed within a year, with computerized balloting ensuring a transparent selection process.
Chief Minister Maryam Nawaz stated that the scheme is designed to provide long-term relief from expensive electricity bills, reflecting the government’s commitment to using public resources for public welfare. She also noted that a subsidy of PKR 14 per unit has already benefited 7.3 million consumers in Punjab, further easing financial burdens.