Huawei Pakistan holds Girls who Code event in Islamabad

LAHORE – Huawei Technologies Pakistan celebrated ‘Girls who Code’ event held at the Prime Minister Secretariat, Islamabad the other day. To mark the occasion, Huawei donated 150 tablets to the girls’ program by way of Ministry of ITT.

The organizations’ primary goals involve working with the people of Pakistan whereby women and girls can become useful contributors’ to their families and thereby contribute to the national economy, says a press release issued on Saturday.

Prime Minister Shahid Khaqan Abbasi — who graced the event, pointed out: “Huawei and Microsoft have been kind enough to be a part of this program which is of great meaning to us. This program is mainly to bring digital knowledge to the girls of Pakistan so that they can gain employment opportunities and become a support for their families and mainly for themselves”.

“This program should serve as a model for other countries and should be a real source of inspiration for all. Successful implementation of this program is of great pride to all Pakistanis and especially to me,” the prime minister maintained.

Anusha Rahman, IT Minister stated, “Huawei was kind enough to ask what they could do for us, we asked them to help the girls, equip them, give them tablets and they were generous enough to do so. These girls had not seen computers ever in their lives, this was made possible through efforts and support of USF, Microsoft, and Huawei”.

These girls have been trained on computer skills and they have computer skills so that they can benefit themselves and their families. “They will be an earning hand for their families. It’s is our responsibility to provide these girls with education to take their passion for coding ahead. Through enabling themselves they have become teachers, entrepreneurs etc,” she added.

Huawei believes that it is essential to engage the vast and competitive female segment, around the globe, to enable robust growth in every business and social sector.

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