VIDEO: TV reporter stabbed amp; injured in knife-proof vest trial in Israel

JERUSALEM (Web Desk) – A reporter was hospitalized after a demonstration of a knife-proof vest’s effectiveness went wrong.

It also bring much embarrassment of the manufacturer.

Part of an educational report covering the vest manufacturing process, Channel 1 journalist Eitam Lachover agreed to get stabbed on camera.

But the experiment failed miserably as the protective body armor could not stop the cold steel blade. Luckily, Lachover suffered only a light injury to his upper back, much to the humiliation of the vest’s creators, who remain certain of the item’s safety features.

The particular model in question was made out of semi-hard plastic panels designed to protect the neck and the shoulder blade area in particular.

Meanwhile, Lachover tweeted that he received stitches and was discharged from the hospital where he was taken following the injury.

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