Kashmiris observing Indian Republic Day as Black Day today

LAHORE – Kashmiris are observing Indian Republic Day as Black Day today (Saturday) in protest against India’s continued denial of Kashmiris’ right to self-determination on both sides of the Line of Control (LOC) and across the world.

Call for the observance of the Black Day has been given by the Joint Resistance Leadership comprising Syed Ali Gilani, Mirwaiz Umar Farooq and Mohammad Yasin Malik to remind the world that India’s continued denial of a right to self-determination to Kashmiris is contrary to its claim of being a democratic republic.

The day will be marked with a complete strike in occupied Kashmir and anti-India demonstrations and rallies in world capitals.


As Kashmiris observe black day today against Indian atrocities, the occupied Kashmir valley has been turned into a military camp after lacs of armed personnel had been deployed and draconian laws invoked to ensure the people’s sentiments are suppressed.

Indian administration has blocked the internet service in order to suppress Kashmiris voice of self-determination in the occupied valley. The Indian occupying forces continued with brutalities and unabated massive violations of human rights martyred two Kashmiris on in the name of a search operation.


Today, rallies and demonstrations will also be held in Azad Jammu and Kashmir at all district and tehsile headquarters against the Indian illegal occupation of Kashmir.

Every year, Kashmiris observe the Republic day of India as a black day to express strong resentment and protest against the continued long Indian subjugation of the occupied Jammu and Kashmir.

The black day also aims at apprising the world community of the continued hostile attitude of India, denying Kashmiris their legitimate right to self-determination and escape from a peaceful solution of the much delayed Kashmir issue.


The day will also express complete solidarity with the freedom-loving people of Indian occupied Jammu Kashmir in their just and principled struggle for freedom and achievement of their legitimate right to self-determination.

In Muzaffarabad, AJK Prime Minister Raja Farooq Haider Khan will lead the protest rally. Cabinet members, MLAs, Hurriyat leaders and people belonging to all walks of life will participate in the rally.

Different political, social and religious organizations have also arranged a number of protest demonstrations and rallies in Muzaffarabad to mark the day.

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