Pakistan urges UN Security Council to hold Israel accountable for war crimes in Gaza

NEW YORK – Pakistan has urged the United Nations Security Council (UNSC) to hold Israel accountable for the war crimes and atrocities in Gaza as death toll by Israeli forces has surged above 6,000.

Pakistan Ambassador to the UN Munir Akram gave the statement while speaking during the High-Level Debate of the UNSC on “the Situation in the Middle East, including the Palestinian Question”.

“Israeli attacks on civilians, civilian objects & infrastructure, blockade of water, food and fuel as well as the forced transfer of people from the occupied territory, are flagrant violations of international humanitarian law and amount to war crimes,” the ambassador said. 

He highlighted that the perpetuation of Israeli occupation will not bring peace to the “Holy Land,” adding that under international law, the struggle of peoples living under foreign occupation for self-determination and national liberation is legitimate and cannot be equated with terrorism.

“The displacement of the Palestinian population of Gaza is another violation of international humanitarian law. The Council must reject Israel’s attempts to displace the Gazans, within or outside Gaza,” he said.

“We regret that the Security Council has been unable to issue a call for ceasefire. A heavy responsibility will rest on those who contribute to the prolongation of the conflict.”

He called for opening up of a sustainable pipeline of life-saving humanitarian assistance, including water, fuel, food, and medicines will for the besieged people of Gaza. Demanding an immediate and unconditional ceasefire, he warned that the continuation of the Israeli campaign in Gaza would lead to further massive civilian casualties and could trigger a wider and more dangerous conflict.

“Pakistan commends the role of Egypt and the UN agencies in facilitating the delivery of some humanitarian assistance. This is not enough. We hope that a sustainable pipeline of life saving humanitarian assistance, including water, fuel, food and medicines will be established,” Ambassador Munir Akram said. 

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