Sri Lanka sets deadline for tourists from two countries to depart: Details inside

COLOMBO – Sri Lanka has announced the termination of long-term tourist visa extensions for numerous Russians and Ukrainians who have been utilizing the policy to reside on the island since the war broke out.

Commissioner-General of Immigration, Harsha Ilukpitiya, confirmed on Sunday that the government is halting further visa extensions, setting a deadline of March 7 for departure. He emphasized that the flight situation has normalized, providing these individuals with no hindrance in returning to their home countries.

As far as statistics are concerned, over 288,000 Russians and nearly 20,000 Ukrainians have visited Sri Lanka over the past two years. While it remains uncertain how many exceeded the typical 30-day tourist visa period, it is believed that a substantial number of Russians and a smaller contingent of Ukrainians have settled in Sri Lanka, with some aiming to evade potential conscription (compulsory enlistment for state service) into the military.

Among those who chose to stay, reports suggest that several have established restaurants and nightclubs. However, the government’s decision to terminate visa extensions coincides with heightened social media criticism directed at a Russian-operated nightclub in the southern coastal resort town of Unawatuna, following the organization of a controversial “whites-only” event.

Sri Lanka had previously aimed to boost tourism by offering 30-day visas upon arrival, a move necessitated by the urgent need for foreign exchange amid the nation’s ongoing recovery from its severe economic crisis since mid-2022. The country defaulted on its $46 billion foreign debt in April 2022, triggering months of street protests and leading to the resignation of then-president Gotabaya Rajapaksa three months later.

Earlier, last month, the authorities in Sri Lanka announced to relax visa restrictions in a visible effort to attract more tourists.

In a press conference held at the Ministry of Public Security, Harsha Ilukpitiya, the Controller General of the Immigration and Emigration Department of Sri Lanka, revealed the country’s intentions to ease the visa application process.

The official announced that after a comprehensive review of all visa-related procedures, the authorities have developed a plan to simplify processes for all visa categories.

As far as the timeline is concerned, the Controller General emphasized that these new measures would be implemented within the next two weeks.

Currently, Sri Lanka’s visa procedures limit individuals on tourist visas from extending their stay until after one month of arrival; however, under the upcoming changes, applicants can secure a visa for the entire duration of their stay when applying from a foreign country, effectively eliminating the need for extensions after arrival.

In recent months, Sri Lanka has introduced multiple measures to earn more from tourism. Earlier in October, Sri Lanka announced to waive visa fees for tourists from China, Russia, India, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The aim behind these measures is to boost tourism from these countries and work towards the goal of attracting five million tourists annually in the years ahead. 

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