India, US, Israel jointly planned Mumbai attack, German author makes startling revelation in his book

ISLAMABAD – A German author has made shocking revelations about the 26/11 terror attacks in Mumbai for which India has long been accusing Pakistan.

Elias Davidsson in his book titled “Betrayal of India – Revisiting the 26/11 Evidence” disclosed that the attacks were pre-planned and executed by India itself, while Israel and the US were also complicit in it.

The author writes, “It is highly plausible, that major institutional actors in India , the United States and possibly Israel, were complicit in conceiving, planning, directing and executing the attacks of 26/11; evidence of a deceptive investigation is even stronger”.

The writer’s view is based on incisive and critical analysis of the official narrative of 26/11. Davidsson also analysed court documents and testimonies of dozens of important witnesses and media reports.

In the introduction of his book, the German author discussed four major reasons that led him to this conclusion.

First, It is difficult to understand how an operation took more than 60 hours to be completed, when around 1,000 security officials, including trained commandos, took part to neutralise the 10 attackers.

Second, the Indian government immediately after the attack blamed Pakistani entities for staging the attacks without any initial investigation.

Third, no group is known to have taken responsibility for the complex operation conducted in the major city of India.

Fourth, the politicians of the US showed abrupt interest in the incidents, although they were taking place thousands of miles away and were not directed at Americans or at an American target.

In startling revelations, Davidsson further stated that Indian authorities had arrested Ajmal Kasab 20 days before the attacks, adding that the facilitators of terrorists had used US-based telephone numbers.

Elias Davidsson rejected the Indian narrative as concocted, based on deceit and outright lies. He said that several violations were made on the crime scenes. He said that the terrorists, according to Indian claims, were armed with AK-47s; however,  the forensic examination of the attack at the Cama Hospital, Mumbai failed to corroborate version of the AK-47 bullets.

He also mentioned about “suppression” of truth by the major institutions of India in 26/11 attacks.

The book further revealed that Pakistan had strongly condemned the attacks and offered a transparent investigation into the matter but India always ignored the court proceeding.

The disclosures made in Davidsson’s book strongly support the Pakistani stance.

On the global front, India tries to malign Pakistan by accusing it of planning and executing attacks in Mumbai, which Pakistan categorically denies.

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