ECP issues 14 point code of conduct for foreign observers

ISLAMABAD – The Election Commission of Pakistan has issued a 14-point code of conduct for foreign observers in the upcoming general elections to be held on July 25.

Directives issued by ECP

  • No person would be permitted to observe election process unless he/she presents accreditation card issued by ECP or its authorized officer.
  • Officials are required to display their official identification badges issued by ECP and must present it to election officials and other security officials when requested.
  • Observers bound to respect the sovereignty of Pakistan as well as fundamental rights and freedom of its people.
  • Observers required to maintain good behavior, respect others including exhibiting the sensitivity for culture and customs of the country and shall observe the highest level of professional conduct throughout their presence here.
  • Observers bound to adhere to the laws of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan and respect the authority of ECP.
  • Observers are required to follow instructions issued by the ECP and state authorities including security officials and needed to maintain the respectful attitude towards them.
  • Political impartiality shall be maintained by observers at all costs while observing the election process. They shall not exhibit any bias or preference with regard to local authorities, political parties and candidates as well as any issue related to the process of election, said the code of conduct.
  • Observers shall not conduct or participate in any activity that may generate an impression of favoring or opposing any political party or a candidate.
  • Observers will have right to ask any question and to clear any query but they will not obstruct directly or indirectly elections process.
  • Observers shall ensure that all their observations are impartial, objective and depict the highest standard of accuracy.
  • The individual observer shall not make personal comments about his observation or conclusion on the election process to the media.
  • Observation organization or groups are required to ensure that only their nominated persons give comment about the election process.

Earlier, it was reported that the election regulator had barred the presence of foreign observers to keep an eye on the election process, however, ECP refuted the rumours and asserted that free and fair elections were a priority or a smooth transition of power.

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