First Mahira and now Armeena: When are we going to stop degrading the women in industry

While randomly scrolling through Twitter, I came across this tweet from accomplished and stunning actress Armeena Khan. The content of the tweet had me in shock for a few seconds. Then, I was overwhelmed by emotions. I felt extremely sad, angry and ashamed.

In the mentioned tweet, Armeena Khan had shared screenshots of a website for an escort service. Her picture was on that website with her name, featuring her as a V.I.P escort.

Armeena’s caption was evident of how disrespected she felt. She wrote:

“I’ve been sent this wonderful little number. I’ve seen a lot of things in but this just takes the biscuit. I have never felt so disrespected in my entire life, this is just…words fail me. How should I deal with this? #actorsarenotescorts #messedwiththewronggirl #LIVID”

I couldn’t help but think how she’d be feeling or how angry she must be. I kept thinking about the pain she must be suffering from after seeing her picture there and being labeled as an escort. And I wondered why she was being treated as a mere piece of meat by these people despite the fact that she is an accomplished person, a social activist and an amazing human being.

Is it because she is a female artist/ actress whose achievements doesn’t matter? Or is it because someone in society thinks that her profession isn’t appropriate for women? Or is it because some people think that being a model/actress makes her public property so that people can say to her, whatever they want?

Well! if you aren’t clear on these things, let us tell you something:

  1. Women have every right to opt for a profession for themselves
  2. They don’t become public property if they choose to be in the entertainment industry
  3. You can’t treat them as you please
  4. They put a lot of effort into their work, thus they deserve your respect
  5. They can do whatever pleases them, they aren’t answerable to you
  6. Their achievements matter

If you are one of those people who find it difficult to remember these rather simple rules, please note them down. This trend of disrespecting and criticizing women on their personal choices or degrade isn’t cool and should be stopped. While you have every right to respectfully disagree, you have no right to be disrespectful to anyone.

Dear Armeena, you are amazing, keep SHINING.

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