
US Elections 2016: Trump beats dropouts Kasich and Cruz to secure Republican nomination

WASHINGTON (Staff Report) – Business tycoon Donald J. Trump is now the only candidate left in the Republican nomination race for the upcoming US presidential elections in November after his only remaining competitor, John Kasich officially suspended his campaign yesterday.

Earlier, Ted Cruz had also announced that he was dropping out the nomination race after he tasted defeat at the hands of Trump in Indiana primary.

While announcing his decision to drop out on Tuesday, Ted Cruz said that he gave everything he had got to stop Donald Trump from becoming the Republican nominee.

Reacting to Ted Cruz’s announcement, Donald Trump said that Cruz was a very strong contender in his way and he really competed hard and tough.

On the occasion he also hinted that he many pick Ted Cruz as his Vice President, saying that a vice presidential nomination was “something we can think about.”

Trump has also announced that he was forming a selection committee to hunt a vice president for him.

17 US states have yet to hold primaries to nominate Republican and Democratic candidates for the upcoming US elections. Donald Trump now requires only 181 out of 512 remaining delegates that are up for grabs to formally secure the Republican nomination.


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