Angelina Jolie responds to a letter from an Afghan girl in distress

Hollywood diva Angelina Jolie is known for her philanthropy as well as acting talent.

This time around Angelina is said to have used social media platforms to raise her voice for a struggling Afghan woman. The American movie star, 46, took to Instagram last week to share an excerpt from a letter she recently received from the Afghan girl.

Jolie called on her 12.2 million followers to “track what’s happening in Afghanistan” and “ensure they’re not forgotten”.

The mother-of-six started off with, “A young woman in #Afghanistan sent me this letter. I’m protecting her identity, but she hasn’t been able to go back to school since the Taliban seized power.”

Sharing more information, Jolie said, “Now, with women being arrested simply for taking part in peaceful protests, she writes ‘I might never be able to go outside again or even be able to speak as I am a girl’.”

She shared another excerpt from the letter that reads, “‘I feel like women don’t have any right to speak or put their word forward. The rights of the woman are taken away from them and they are not allowed to do anything in the country. A few weeks back when the Taliban arrested two of the women who raised their voices in order to ask for the rights of women and freedom, I just thought, that this is the end and I might never be able to go outside again or even be able to speak as I am a girl.”

The carousel post began with white letters reading ‘A recent letter from an Afghan girl’ typed over a blurred handwritten letter. The next slides had black backgrounds with poignant messaging on top. The first one introduced, ‘Women’s rights activists missing in Afghanistan.’

The post went on to list the names of the women who have gone missing, and the dates they were taken. The activists were named Alia Azizi, Parwana Ibrahimkhel, Mursal Ayar, Zahra Mohammadi, Tamana Zaryab Paryani and her three sisters.  

A final slide reiterated what Jolie had written in her caption: “Please track what is happening in Afghanistan, where young women are being taken from their homes at night at gunpoint and disappeared, and new restrictions are being imposed on the freedom of women and girls day by day. Please help ensure they’re not forgotten.”

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