Rosie Gabrielle becomes target of online hate

LAHORE – The Canadian motorcyclist Rosie Gabrielle, a single woman who had been riding solo across the world, has only ever spoken the best for Pakistan.

Rosie had left her job two years ago to live her dream of riding solo, has been documenting her Pakistan visit on her social media handles.

Rosie posted on Instagram saying, “Everyone told me it was too dangerous to come to Pakistan as a single female, let alone ride a motorcycle across the country. Now, 1,500kms into my tour I can tell you first hand what it’s like to travel Pakistan as a solo female and what I’ve experienced so far.”

“Countless smiles and cheers of joy as I pass people and they realize it’s a female riding. Numerous offers to stay in locals homes wherever I stop, families are always inviting me to stay with them. When I stop for chai or snacks at a store, most often someone will buy it for me, or the owner will not let me pay, saying I’m a guest in their country and they would love to gift this to me. Food and more food! wherever I go, I’m offered to eat wonderful home cooked food or offered gifts of food from street vendors as I pass by. Everyone wants to say hello and ask where I’m from and are curious what I think about Pakistan,” she added.

Pakistanis adore her!

However some people, who according to her are bullying her on the directions of another girl, are targetting her online.

She is being bullied and harassed even due to her different accent that she has to use while travelling.

Rosie however did clarify that none of this is the doing of Pakistanis.


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