Four killed after rocket hit Doctors Without Borders hospital in Yemen

ADEN (Web Desk) – A hospital supported by the Doctors Without Borders (MSF) in Yemen was hit by a rocket on Sunday, killing at least four people.

The incident in the northern governorate of Saada near the Saudi Arabian border also left another 10 people injured, the charity group said.


In a series of tweets, MSF said it was the third “serious incident” in as many months affecting its facilities in the country.

“We strongly condemn this and we reiterate to all parties to the conflict that patients & medical facilities must be respected,” a statement by MSF on Twitter said about the incident in the town of Razeh.

The organisation did not say who was behind the attack, but that “planes were seen flying over the facility at the time”.

“All parties to the conflict, including the Saudi-led coalition , are regularly informed of the GPS coordinates of the medical sites where MSF works, ” said Raquel Ayora, MSF Director of Operations.

“We are in constant dialogue with these parties to ensure that they understand the severity of the humanitarian consequences of the conflict and the need to respect the provision of medical services.”

“There is no way that anyone with the capacity to carry out an airstrike or launch a rocket would not have known that the Shiara Hospital was a functioning health facility providing critical services and supported by MSF.”

This image taken on Oct. 27, 2015 and released by Médecins Sans Frontières, shows the aftermath of an airstrike on a hospital in Saada province, Yemen. Airstrikes by the Saudi-led coalition targeting rebels in Yemen have destroyed a small hospital run by Doctors Without Borders in the northern province of Saada, although there were no deaths and only one injury, the aid group said Tuesday. (Médecins Sans Frontières via AP)

Saada province is a stronghold of Houthi rebels, who are at war with the Yemeni government and an Arab military coalition, which includes Saudi Arabia.

Yemen’s ongoing conflict started in March last year when Arab forces intervened to restore the government of President Abd-Rabbu Mansour Hadi, who fled when Houthi rebels took over the souther port city of Aden.

The conflict has killed almost 6,000 people so far according to the UN.

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