Pakistani humanist denied asylum in UK after failing to identify Greek philosophers

LONDON- A Pakistani man who became a humanist and had renounced his Mulsim faith had his application for asylum in the UK rejected. The request was rejected after he failed to answer questions about the ancient humanist philosopher, the Guardian reported.

According to the media outlet, the Home Office of UK said that Hamza bin Walayat’s failure to identify Plato and Aristotle or to answer correctly any questions related to Greek philosophers indicated that his knowledge of humanism was “rudimentary at best”.

Hamza’s claims that he would be at risk in Pakistan, and could be killed by his family because of his renunciation of Islam were also found to be false by the UK’s Home Department. According to a letter issued by the Ministry of immigration, security and law and order, Walayat’s asylum claim was rejected because he didn’t face any persecution in Pakistan for his beliefs.

Hamza bin Walayat, who has been living in the UK since 2011, claimed that he had received death threats from his family, relatives, and other community members after he integrated into secular British life and formed a relationship with a non-Muslim. He had asked for asylum on the basis of these claims.

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