
This is not a photoshopped picture, this is Karachi mayor heading to attend KMC session

KARACHI – You must have seen Karachi Mayor Waseem Akhter clad in well-pressed suits advocating his viewpoint on public platforms but a picture of him that surfaced on Monday is sure to trigger laughter and remind you of the colonial era.

Waseem Akhter discloses his daily activities through his verified Facebook account and as part of the routine he uploaded his pictures as he was heading to chair the session of city council of KMC (Karachi Metropolitan Corporation).

But his picture that gave a different impression of his otherwise very sober personality ignited mixed reactions on social media.

It wasn’t just the textured gown but also the fancy ceremonial mace that was carried by a man wearing Jinnah cap infront of Waseem Akhtar caught the attention of social media.

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