Turkish teachers left in tears after what these parents in Quetta did for them

QUETTA –  Parents of students studying in the Pak-Turk International Schools on Saturday  arranged a farewell party for the departing Turkish staff of Quetta Branches, an official said.

Dozens of  students and their parents have attended the ceremony, and on the occasion, some emotional scenes were also witnessed when some crazy students could not control their tears at the end of the party.

Reportedly, one of the parents offered to purchase the cars of the departing school staff to prevent them from getting sold at lowest prices. “I have $45-50 thousand, please sell your cars to me at highest rates, so the opportunists don’t exploit your circumstances and bargain at the lowest price,” the generous parent offered.

Meanwhile, another parent had brought all his all jewellery and valuables to be presented to the teachers as a gift.
“One of the Turkish staffers fainted after receiving such an immense respect, generosity and affection by the natives”, an official added.

Similarly, lamenting the fact that they would never be able to see their teachers ever again, the students of the Pak-Turk International Schools expressed their extreme agony at the departure of their teachers.

“Pakistan was like their homeland, and we never imagined that such a tragic parting would befall on us,” said one of the students while sobbing. The teachers, on the other hand, said they were feeling too distressed at this ‘force’ repatriation.

“We have been living here for decades, Pakistan had become like our homeland where we started sharing mutual and common feelings with the natives, it indeed is a painful experience to leave your home,” the distressed teacher said.

On the other hand, students and parents have continued to speak out against the unprecedented expulsion of Turkish teachers from the country, and have demanded the government review its decision.

On Saturday, hundreds of people took out a rally in the federal capital against the government’s order for 108 Turkish teachers along with family members totaling around 400 to leave the country by today (Sunday) November 20.

These teachers instruct at the countrywide PakTurk International schools.

The Turkish government has alleged the school has links with the movement of US-based dissident Fethullah Gulen. The charge is however denied by PakTurk management.

Around 11,000 students are enrolled in PakTurk’s 28 campuses across the country, including Islamabad.

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