Instagram Celebrity @Blake_201 eats one 4000-calories meal a day, and is ripped AF

This Instagram fitness freak has taken the world by storm, and the amount of likes and comments he gets are proof.

@Blake_201 eats only 1 4000 calories meal per day, and breaks his fast the next day with another 4000 calories meal!

Blake published this in August on his YouTube official account:

“What’s up everyone. My Instagram account has been blowing up lately which is awesome. So thanks again. I’ve been getting slammed with over 35 (lost count) of the same questions every day for months and my phone is constantly blowing up just as fast as my account. This vid is 25 minutes of rapid fire responses to everything everyone is always asking me. Being that the vid is 25 minutes, imagine how long it would take me to repeatedly type out answers to all of the same questions over and over again, all day every day. Watch when you have a chance.”

He finally answered our questions with this video!

Also, we are in love with how much he can eat in one go!


Also, he seems to be proving other fitness freaks wrong, with the kind of food they want us to quit to achieve a certain goal.

Does it work or does it not? Let’s count on Blake to guide us.

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