Tayaba.org provides H2O wheels in Tharparkar

SUKKUR- Tayaba is an organisation that has been founded by a team of Pakistani alumni and students from Oxford University, Kings College London, City University London, and Imperial College.

The organisation was founded on January 5th, 2016, in the hopes of making a difference in the lives of underprivileged families in Pakistan in the deserted areas, where they don’t even have access to the basic necessities of life.

The provision of an H2O wheel to store, filter, and enable individuals to transport clean water with ease instead of using pots (previously) was what they aimed at.

A member of the organisation in conversation to Daily Pakistan stated, “the concept makes use of a water barrel, attached on to wheel, with an easy handle grip, and has a storage capacity of 40 litres. We are aiming to build an additional feature of a mobile water filter on the wheel, which would enable up to 1000 litres of water to be filtered within the wheel.”


Good luck to this team & their beautiful initiative!

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