Barack Obama s surprising plans for life after the US presidency

WASHINGTON: American President Barack Obama who is almost at the end of his second and final term in the White House has surprising plans for life after the presidency.

Some pundits believe that Obama could also become the first former president to own an NBA team.

According to US press secretary Josh Earnest, Obama is already considering his options post-retirement, with the possibility of NBA ownership emerging as a viable option.

When questioned on whether Obama would actually pursue this passion, Earnest was cryptic. “Potentially,” he said. “Under the right circumstances.”

The 44th president of the United States has expressed interest in the venture before and is a fan of his home town Chicago Bulls. Moreover, in November last year, Obama said he would “absolutely” want to be in part ownership of a team in the NBA.

“I have fantasized about being able to put together a team and how much fun that would be,” he said. “I think it’d be terrific.”

On the flip side, many are joking about how Obama will manage to purchase with his relatively paltry income.

Sports analysts are of the view that the American President would have to give up everything he owns just to purchase 1.2 per cent of the average NBA team.

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