Game of Thrones Season 6: R+L=J theory confirmed in final episode (Warning: Spoilers)

LAHORE: Game of Thrones fans who have read the original novel have been obsessed with the R+L=J theory for long, claiming that Jon Snow was not Ned Stark’s bastard, but the son of Rhaegar Targaryen and Ned’s sister Lyanna Stark.

Fans of the HBO series have scoffed at their book-loving counterparts since the theory first attained prominence. But the finale of this season of GOT apparently vindicated the book geeks when Brian Stark, who is now the three-eyed raven, saw during a vision that Lyanna had whispered the secret in the ear of Ned Stark, handing him a kid with a promise just before her death.

Although the scene did not confirm that the kid was Jon Snow and the kid’s father was Rhaegar Targaryen, it was enough to be sure that Snow isn’t Ned Stark’s bastard.

The scene also harks back to one of the initial chapters of “The Song of Ice And Fire”: “Rhaegar Lyanna fell in love and ran away together, starting living in the Tower of Joy where they conceived a child—Jon—and Lyanna died as a result of childbirth. Ned claimed the baby as his own to protect him from Robert, who sought to exterminate all Targaryens out of hatred and to secure his claim to the throne”.

Sean Bean, who plays Ned on the series, also seemed to vindicate this point in a 2014 interview: “I’m obviously not Jon Snow’s dad. And you need that to be revealed at some point, don’t you?”

The key revelation also caused a buzz online:

Other Key Developments From Episode Ten:

  • Cersie Lannister has escaped trial by the High Sparrow, by killing all the septons and Queen Margaery in her plot. However, she also lost her son King Tommen in the process to suicide. As a result, she has now become the Lady of King’s Landing and protector of the Seven Kingdoms.
  • Jon Snow has been chosen as the King in the North by all the lords unanimously, despite Little Finger’s attempt to marry Sansa Stark and take over Winterfell and ultimately the Iron Throne.
  • Daenerys Targaryen has started her voyage towards Westeros along with her dragons, Dothrakhis and ships. Next season will probably center on this plot line.
  • Arya Stark is back in Westeros. Marking her return as an assassin, she first murdered Lord Frey to avenge the killings of her mother Lady Catelyn and brother Rob Stark.
  • The High Garden and Dorne have together joined hands with Lord Varys to welcome Daenerys Targaryen in Westeros.
  • And Winter is also here finally. A white raven’s arrival to Winterfell has confirmed that the Winds of Winter have entered the North.

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