Porno site raising funds for sexploration in space

MONTREAL (Web Desk) – It was bound to happen sooner or later. PornHub, one of the Internet’s largest pornographic repositories, wants to be the first to film a porno in space.

Obviously, the endeavour won’t be cheap. To shoot the microgravity sex scene, the site is aiming to raise $3.4 million in 60 days on the crowd-funding site Indiegogo, UPI reported.


“We’re looking to pioneer a one-of-a-kind mission to push the boundaries of intergalactic sexploration, defy gravity and make history,” PornHub officials said in a press release on Monday.

“We are excited to change the adult industry as we currently know it by venturing into the final sexual frontier.”

“This will be a grand experiment in learning how intercourse works after penetrating the Earth’s atmosphere, a lesson we’d like to broadcast and produce – with great enjoyment – in direct collaboration with those interested in being a part of the global front that will make this a reality.”

Porn stars Johnny Sins and Eva Lovia will be the lucky astronauts, should Pornhub raise the funds and recruit the engineering expertise needed to make history.


They’ll also need a very good choreographer and some practice, as a sex in space is a little studied topic.

“A lot of people think that sex in microgravity will be great because by losing gravity you can move in ways you can’t terrestrially,” Paul Root Wolpe, the director of Emory University’s Center for Ethics and a scientist with NASA, told VICE. “The [scientists] who’ve thought about this aren’t so sure about that at all.”

“One of the things that gravity helps us do is stay together, so sex in microgravity might actually be more difficult because you’re going to have to make sure that you’re always holding each other so you don’t drift apart,” Wolpe added. “It might be a lot more challenging and a lot less fulfilling than most people think.”

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