WASHINGTON (Staff Report) – The United States presidential nomination aspirants Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump Wednesday outshone all other candidates of respective parties as the results suggest after Super Tuesday when around 11 states voted for their nominees.
According to media reports, Hillary swept seven states (Georgia, Virginia, Alabama, Tennessee, Arkansas, Texas and Massachusetts) in the Democrats contest while Donald Trump also clinched victory in seven states (Georgia, Massachusetts, Alabama, Virginia, Tennessee, Vermont and Arkansas) on Republican side.
Democratic candidate Bernie Sanders could secure four states (Vermont, Oklahoma, Colorado and Minnesota) and Republican runners Ted Cruz won two states (Texas and Oklahoma), followed by Marco Rubio who won only one state (Minnesota).
Following the Super Tuesday, Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton have emerged as solid contestants who expected to earn nominations by Republican and Democrats side respectively.
In the so far held primary polls, Trump has secured victory in nine states while on Democrats side Hillary Clinton has won ten states.
Additionally Clinton has also 468 super delegates as compared to runner up contestant Sanders’ only 21 super delegates.
The United States presidential election are scheduled on November 8 this year. The winning candidate will be sworn in as the new President of the United States in January next year.
How does it look after Super Tuesday?
Democrats Super Tuesday Overall Results:
Republican Super Tuesday Overall Results:
Democrats Super Tuesday In-depth Results:
Republican Super Tuesday In-depth Results:
Graphics Courtesy: CNN Election Centre