Aafia Siddiqui's sister bursts into tears after meeting sister in US prison (VIDEO)

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2023-12-04T12:51:00+05:00 Web Desk

FORT WORTH – Dr Aafia Siddiqui, a Pakistani national in US prison, met her sister Dr Fowzia Siddiqui, for the second time in 20 years, and the two could not control their emotions.

Incar­cerated Pakistani neuroscientist had a second reunion with her sister Fowzia at a prison in Fort Worth, Texas over the weekend, and the latter burst into tears after sharing update on Aafia who was wrongly convicted and handed down 86 years sentence. 

The meeting between both the sisters continued for 44 minutes in which Senator Talha Mahmood and Aafia Siddiqui’s lawyer were also present.

Dr Fowzia shared the update with followers in a short video. The grief-stricken woman revealed that Aafia's in prison was worse than before, saying she has no words to describe her current condition.

She recalled the moments with teary eyes, saying she ended the meeting with heavy heart. The two met in a separate room but were not allowed to touch each other.

Earlier, the family members and Senator were not allowed to meet Dr Aafia Siddiqui. US prison authorities refused to allow the meeting saying that keys to the meeting room had been lost.

Aafia’s sister was with JUI leader Talha Mahmood and lawyer Clive Stafford Smith to meet her incarcerated sister, but the visiting members were shown the door as Carswell authorities federal prison cited a reasoning that is considered pathetically unconvincing.

Dr Aafia Siddiqui has been languishing in American prison for nearly 20 years on terrorism charges. She was among the Pakistanis accused of having links with Al Qaeda and was later arrested and detained in the United States.

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