StayingFit : 5 tips for more mindful morning jogging

Lahore – Running has so much to offer beyond the readout on your watch. Lower stress levels, better self-esteem, and all-around improved health are just a few of the reasons why hitting the roads or trails is worthwhile.

Let’s go through 5 golden tips of having a fit and healthy life:

1# Find a focus: Before beginning any run, take a few minutes to center yourself and focus on your intent for the day’s outing. “When I work with runners, we always take the time to determine the goal for the day,” says Mark Plaatjes, former marathon world-record holder, coach, trainer, and running-shoe store owner. “Often, this has nothing to do with speed.”

2# Let gravity do the work: Truly relaxed running allows gravity to shoulder the workload. To accomplish this, practice leaning forward at the ankles—not the waist—and “falling” into your run. “Then you don’t have to muscle your way through the run,” says Fish, “and gravity takes over.”

3# Practice makes perfect: Like any sort of practice—yoga, meditation, and the like—mindful running take time and patience. “You don’t need to practice mindfulness for the duration of a run,” says Fish. “Try the first five minutes of a run, or focus on one item at a time, like posture. Then revisit throughout the run.”

4# Pay attention to posture: One specific area worth dedicating your focus to is your posture, says Fish. “You want your body upright, an expansion through your upper chest, your shoulders ‘hanging,’ and your arms moving front and back, not sideways,” she explains.

“This helps you run more relaxed and efficiently.” Finding this position won’t come overnight, but with practice, it can become second nature. Once you’ve mastered the posture, it brings running’s de-stressing effects to the forefront.

5# Breathe rhythmically: If you can establish a rhythm to your breathing while running, your run will flow, freeing up your mind. Fish recommends finding a breathing pattern that matches the cadence of your footsteps. “A good pattern is three steps to inhale and two to exhale,” she says.




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