Rishta Aunty 2.0 – Lahore girl takes to twitter to find her friend a suitable beau

LAHORE – Rishta aunties and uncles are so yesterday. Here’s the modern way of finding your soulmate. Go digital with the search. That’s exactly what a girl in Lahore is doing for her friend.

The girl, identified on Twitter only as Z. took to the short message sharing app to find her friend her Mr. Right. She introduced her friend as “23 yo – very pretty, kind and intelligent.” She added that the friend, who shall not be named, had failed to find a beau and was under pressure for an arranged marriage.

We all know arranged marriages can be tedious affairs with the possibility that the ‘rishta aunty or uncle’ may mess up. To avoid such a fate, Z. stepped up to the challenge and uploaded a form on Google Docs with questions to help her identify a suitable suitor for her friend.

She added the instructions in another tweet that read: “Here is how it’ will work: You will be shortlisted based upon your answers in the form. If shortlisted, I will go through your FB id with her, if we like you for her I will get in touch with you and then give you her details (probably FB id). If you like her – you can message her – otherwise, forget this happened.”

In merely 17 hours, she had gotten 140 filled forms. Overwhelmed by the sheer volume of her work, Z. took the form offline, not accepting any more applicants.

We hope she finds what/who she’s looking for and we wish her friend all the best!

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