LAHORE – Flavia, known as the “World’s Saddest Elephant” because of her life spent alone in captivity, has died.
A spokesperson for the Cordoba Zoo in southern Spain, Flavia’s longtime home, confirmed that she passed away on Friday at the age of 47. She was reportedly euthanized after falling in her enclosure, and was too weak to get back up. The elephant died after months of deteriorating health, which included weight loss and depression.
In the months leading up to Flavia’s death, animal rights group Pacma was working with the zoo to improve Flavia’s enclosure and was trying to convince the zoo to move the elephant to a safari park in another part of Europe.
According to EuroWeekly, the zoo had been working with animal rights group PACMA on a possible transfer of the aging Flavia to a sanctuary. The publication cited PACMA as saying that the Cordoba zoo had “isolated the elephant, known as the saddest elephant in the world, during 43 years of confinement and solitude.”
Also, an online petition set up by Rebeca Iglesias called for signatures to persuade the zoo to find a different home for the lonely animal.
“Imagine living 43 years locked in a place without being free, that would kill anyone much earlier,” Iglesias wrote in the petition, which at the time of reporting had garnered 130 signatures.
Nothing could be done on time to save the majestic animal. Flavia truly had a sad ending and we as humankind are ashamed today. It is not the first time regret has been displayed at the death of an animal who was considered insignificant when it was breathing. Let’s stop making regret greater than gratitude. Speak up for the ones who have no voice.