War against terrorism will be taken to logical end: PM

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2016-08-10T23:58:12+05:00 Fayyaz Hussain
ISLAMABAD (Web Desk) Prime Minister Muhammad Nawaz Sharif says the nation is united in the warfare against terrorism and this war will be brought to its logical conclusion at all costs.

Speaking in the National Assembly on Wednesday evening, he strongly condemned the terrorist incident in Quetta and said such incidents cannot deter the resolve of the nation in the fight against terrorism.

The Prime Minister said we will go ahead with full intensity and completely wipe out terrorism from the country.

He stated the same ideology targeted Benazir Bhutto Shaheed, Ismaili community of Safoora Goth, Hazara community in Balochistan, a church and Army Public School Peshawar, and prominent people of the land.

Nawaz Sharif said we will have to overcome this ideology because they are the enemy of Pakistan. He said the development projects, particularly China-Pakistan Economic Corridor, will bring prosperity to the country, but the enemy cannot digest it. He said to defeat these elements we will have to stand united.

He said Operation Zarb-e-Azb and National Action Plan were launched with the consensus of the political and military leadership, and will be completed at all costs.

Strongly condemning the Quetta incident, he said the capacity of the police need to be enhanced to improve the law and order situation.

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