Israel drops leaflets warning Palestinians to avoid approaching border

GAZA – Israeli forces on Friday dropped leaflets in Gaza Strip from an aircraft warning Palestinian to avoid approaching its border fence ahead of expected protests slated for later today.

The Friday’s demonstrations are the part of a six-week long “Great March of Return” protest started on March 30. The protests are expected to reach its peak on May 15, the day Israel celebrates its establishment. But the Palestinians mark it as “Day of Catastrophe” because a large number of them have been forced to leave their homes.

Each week, the Palestinian gathered near the border, where Israeli sharpshooters are deployed, and record their protest burning tyres and pelting stones.

Earlier, the demonstration turned violent when the Israeli forces opened fire on the protesters, killing around 31 Palestinian and injuring hundreds.

In the leaflets, the Israeli forces said that it is prepared for all scenarios. Blaming Hamas for inciting people, the leaflet said: “Don’t obey the Hamas terror organisation’s directions; they endanger your lives”.



The military has said it is defending Israel’s border and that its troops, including snipers, only target “instigators”.

Last week, at least five Palestinian were killed after Israel’s occupational forces resorted to live fire on peaceful protesters in southern Gaza Strip, the Palestinian Health Ministry said.

Medics at the scene in the Rafah area said four Palestinians were killed by an Israeli tank shell but an Israeli military spokesman said the army was not involved. “We have no knowledge of any Israeli strike in the area,” he said.

A 28-year-old Palestinian man died and 233 were wounded on Friday by live Israeli fire as thousands of people gathered to protest along the eastern border of the Gaza Strip.

The Palestinian Ministry of Health in Gaza identified the slain Palestinian as Islam Hirzallah, who received a live bullet during protests in eastern Gaza City. He was later shifted to the al-Shifa Hospital where he was pronounced dead.

According to Haaretz, overall, 969 Palestinians, including 20 women and 67 were under age 18 were injured in Friday’s protests. Thirteen Palestinians were wounded by rubber-tipped bullets.

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