Armenia joins countries recognizing Palestine as independent state

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Armenia has taken a significant diplomatic step by officially recognizing Palestine as an independent state, despite strong objections from Israel.

Armenia's Ministry of Foreign Affairs announced this formal recognition, citing its support for the United Nations' call for an immediate ceasefire between Hamas in Gaza and Israel, and endorsing a two-state solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

This decision follows similar moves by several Western nations, including Spain, Ireland, and Norway, indicating Armenia's alignment with international efforts to acknowledge Palestine as a sovereign state.

Israel's Ministry of Foreign Affairs reacted strongly to Armenia's decision, summoning Armenia's ambassador and registering a formal protest against the recognition of Palestine.

In contrast, the Palestinian Authority, represented by the PLO, welcomed Armenia's decision as a positive development towards achieving a peaceful resolution based on a two-state solution.

Notably, the recent Israeli airstrikes on Gaza, beginning October 7, have resulted in more than 37,000 Palestinian casualties and over 85,000 injuries, with a significant number of victims being women and children.

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