
Netizens outraged over Khalilur Rehman s comment about Mahira Khan

Meray Paas Tum Ho writer Khalil-ur-Rehman is no stranger to controversies as the writer often receives flak for blowing steam – be it redefining the meaning of ‘feminism’ or slamming Lollywood’s leading lady Mahira Khan.

While his bizarre statements have contributed to his notoriety, it seems that the industry insiders and big wigs agree with his bashing and disapprove of his controversial statements.

His clash with Lollywood diva Mahira Khan has been creating noise for a long time and the fiasco continues to get aggravated after Qamar’s recent interview with Daily Pakistan.

“Firdous Jamal is an actor, there is no connection between the two of us (in this regard), the way she tweeted about me, may Allah forgive her, I won’t forgive her, and may my Allah never make put me in the position that I have to forgive her”

“She knew me so calling me about the issue would have been better as I would have explained. Sadly, I still don’t understand her tweer. Still, I respect Mahira. So, whenever we meet, I will greet her but I will always regret giving the important and sacred role to her”

The feud between the Superstar actor and the Sadqay Tumharay writer has gained public attention who are taking sides on the matter and sharing their two cents.

Rabi Peerzada shares a graphic image of herself and social media is shook

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