Creepy man who cut Sydney woman s hair on bus almost escaped. Find out how he was caught

SYDNEY (Web Desk) – A “creepy” man has been charged after he allegedly used a pair of scissors to cut off a female bus passenger’s hair on a bus travelling through Moore Park, Sydney on April 13.

According to an eye witness, the 19-year old woman was left in tears when a chunk of her long, dark hair was snipped off by the man, who later escaped the scene.

The girl turned around and asked the man ‘Did you cut my hair?’ ” the anonymous witness, said.

The bus driver contacted police once he was alerted to the incident, but the alleged offender escaped and was later seen boarding a cab.

After examining CCTV footage, police apprehended the man and charged with assault over the hair snipping incident in the bus.

The 19-year-old man will appear before court on Wednesday, after being refused bail.

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