Heaven of footballers : This fantasy five-a-side field actually exists on earth

KUALA LUMPUR – A photo of five-a-side football field surrounded by lush greenery in the jungle of Sabah, Malaysia, has been doing the rounds on the internet for the last few days.

The picture was captured by a teacher at the Longongon National School, in Nabawan, Malaysia, using a Mavic Pro drone. It shows the unreal-looking pitch located on a greenery-covered hillside, with thick vines seemingly encroaching on the playing field.

Allowing the thick layer of living plants to completely take over the fencing around the pitch was apparently by design, as this helps cool the players during hot summer days and provides much-needed fresh air.

While children from the school can reach the fantasy football field in just 15 minutes, by trekking through hilly terrain, getting there by car is much tougher. It apparently takes someone driving a 4Ă—4 vehicle around 3 hours to reach the pitch, as they have to take a big detour to find a river crossing and then make their way there on logging roads.

We’re sure you’d like to take a trip to this amazing place.

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