Best looks from the black girls rock red carpet

In the honor to celebrate diversity in Hollywood a night was dedicated to the most prominent and hardworking figures of Hollywood including Janet Jackson, Naomi Campbell and more. The star studded night was held at the New Jersey Performin

g Arts center on Sunday and we have got the best look from this Black girls rock night!

The night of course was hosted by Queen Latifa making it 10 times better for everyone.

The red carpet was bestowed by the beauties of Hollywood in the most stylish possible was from strip to patterns to exaggerated looks we have got it all.

1) Mary J Blige:

The iconic Mary J Blige showed up with the best of Roberto Cavalier, a sliver statement outfit with a lot of cuts to make her skin shine. Her silver look included her famous blonde bob with heels to compliment her height even more.

2) Janet Jackson:

Lady of the night wore a monochromatic look. She flaunted an all black look, her dress was embellished with a hint of net and a statememt heairstyle. Her high funky bun hairstyle was the news for all. She received the honorary award with grace and beauty in Christian Siriano gown.

NEWARK, NJ – AUGUST 26: Janet Jackson attends the Black Girls Rock! 2018 Red Carpet at NJPAC on August 26, 2018 in Newark, New Jersey. (Photo by Dave Kotinsky/Getty Images for BET)

3) Storm Reid:

Florals were loved by many probed Storm. She looked uber gorgeous in her strapless floral dress which was designed by Monique Lhuillier. Her dip dye dress had everything from colors to style which got us left in an awe. She finished her look with an upwards hairstyle.

4) Amandla Stenberg:

Stenberg looked chic in her two piece striped black and white suit, her crop jacket was a style we all love. Her Thom Browne outfit was worth including in this list. She completed her look with a pop of color as she wore a raspberry red lip color.



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