Louis C.K appears on stage for the first time after allegations of harrassement

In an era which gave birth to brave movements life #metoo and taking down the male dominance there are cases like Louis C.K. a comedian who has made his way back to the stages of his fame after admitting to masturbate in front of several women and dominating women at his workplace.

You must be thinking he show sank like a boat just like his character with 115 educated and aware New Yorkers attending, not really. There were around of applause before an ovation to appreciate his typical comedy style. According to the owner of comedy cellar he was seen performing calmly , just the usual way.

It was known to be a ‘Wow’ moment as the audience appreciated him. C.K held back only for 10 months before returning to his stage and proving how challenging and bringing toxic masculinity is still very difficult!

“I have spent my long and lucky career talking and saying anything I want. I will now step back and take a long time to listen.” – He wrote in his statement 

Well his definition of ‘long time’ only ended a few mere months. Also listening for him meant keeping his mouth shut for a few months before coming back shamelessly performing and saying his usual garbage! It’s sad how we let such people go freely.


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