Stalin’s Hidden and Crucial Role in Forcing WWII nbsp;

If one studies things objectively and deeply, one discovers that the “standard” historical narrative pertaining to the major historical events of the last few centuries is false. This statement is particularly true of the past one hundred or so years. The dominant historical narrative pertaining to the Bolshevik Revolution, the two World Wars, the JFK assassination,and 9/11 is demonstrably false. 

It is a different matter that the so-called mainstream media of the West, which, to borrow the phrase of Ron Unz, may be called “American Pravda”, propagates lies without any qualms of conscience. Most of its reporters and editors seem to demonstrate Upton Sinclair’s deep observation: “It is difficult to make a man understand, when his salary depends upon not understanding it.” Pravda, it may be recalled, was the newspaper of the Soviet Communist Party and was considered nothing more than a blatant propaganda mouthpiece of the party.

In the year 2008, Viktor Suvorov wrote an important book with the title “The Chief Culprit: Stalin’s Grand Design to Start World War II”. Suvorov is a pen name adopted by a former military officer of the Soviet intelligence, who defected to England in 1978, and became a best-selling author. He writes: “I have planned to write this book since I discovered that the Soviet version of the history of World War II was a lie and concealed the U.S.S.R.’s responsibility for planning the start of the war.” He states that he had defected to the West to make his discoveries available to people in the West and Russia.

Although his books on military affairs were widely acclaimed in the West, his most important book “The Icebreaker” received a different treatment. It was published in England in the year 1990. He writes: “it quickly sold out but for reasons never explained to me, the publisher refused to print further editions.” Those of us who are familiar with the repression of truth are well aware of these tactics of the Anglo-American-Zionist Establishment. Interestingly “The Icebreaker” was published in Russian in Moscow and created “a firestorm”. The first Russian edition of the book published 320,000 copies and the second 100,000. Two documentaries on the book were produced in Russia. The Baltic countries incorporated Suvorov’s findings in their official history and textbooks. In Poland Suvorov became a “celebrity overnight” ,but the Western media maintained a silence about the book. The silence, and the pressure on the publisher not to reprint a book that had sold out quickly, and what he calls an “academic boycott in the West”, indicates that Suvorov’s book had posed a serious and effective challenge to the false official narrative in the matter. In “The Chief Culprit” Suvorov broke a silence that had lasted eighteen years. But the book is a most valuable contribution to the most fundamental question of responsibility of WWII.It also provides a highly credible answer to the puzzle of Hitler’s attack on the Soviet Union. Why did Hitler attack the Soviet Union when he was occupied in battle against the British and French?

Suvorov has pointed out a most important facet of Soviet Russia. He points out that the Soviet regime always concealed its weaknesses and failures and advertised its successes. For instance,on October6, 1948, Ashkabad was leveled by an earthquake of magnitude 10 on the Richter scale. In the quake 110,000 people died, but neither the press, nor the radio reported on it!  Similarly, the Soviet media did not first report on the Chernobyl disaster – it was first revealed by the Swedish media.  When the Soviet nuclear submarine Kursk sank, the Soviet media fed false information to the public. 

Suvorov noted one exception to this rule of suppressing failures and advertising successes. He wrote in “The Chief Culprit”: “But there is one exception to these rules: June 22, 1941, the day when Germany attacked the Soviet Union This day is described in Communist propaganda in truly dark colors. Thousands of books, tens of thousands of articles, and radio and TV broadcasts told about the blatant unpreparedness of the Red Army for military action.” Suvorov adds: “All of these sources paint a picture of a stupid, cowardly Stalin who trusted Hitler. They tell us that after the Germans, Stalin was so scared that he wentinto hiding and would not show himself. They talk about an army that had no good commanders, about outdated tanks and airplanes that were called ‘flying coffins’, about the terrible ineptitude of the Soviet military leaders, about the absence of war planning.”

The above narrative was a total exception to the Soviet government pattern of concealing its failures and weaknesses. And, as a bright and young intelligence officer, Suvurov noted this anomaly and tried to dig out the truth on the matter. The professors at the Academy told students to conduct “independent scientific research in order to figure out who would make the best intelligence analysts.” As a student at the Academy Suvorov, without revealing is real intentions, chose “The Attack of Germany on the Soviet Union on June 22, 1941” as the title of his paper. He told his professors that the object of his research was “to make sure nothing of the kind would ever happen again.” That got him access to the closed archives.

The first thing Suvorov did was to get to the archives pertaining to the German Army. The German documents had been captured by the Soviets but were, very strangely, kept under lock and key. Why? For if the Germans were the aggressors the documents could give all or most of the required information about their planning and preparations for attack on the Soviet Union. Suvorov noticed that Marshall Zhukov’s book gave colored maps showing the locations of the German forces but there was no map in the book showing the deployment of the Red Army! Suvorov writes: “The map of German troop deployment gave me quite a shock. The position of the divisions of the Red Army mirrored the position of the German Army.” After studying the deployments of the two armies in Poland in detail Suvorov concluded: “There was no difference between the actions of Stalin and those of Hitler. Hitler just happened to strike first. If Stalin had been the one to attack first, all the advantages of deployment of German troops would have turned to disadvantages.” Was the attack by Hitler a preemptive attack? Was Stalin preparing to attack Hitler’s armies? For an answer to that one has to go back to Stalin’s five year plans. The data extracted from secret files and officially published sources by Suvorov clarifies al lot of things.

Stalin began by developing a Five Year Plan in 1927, This plan (1928-32) was followed by the second Five Year Plan (1933-37) and the third Five Year Plan (1938-1942). The first Five Year Plan aimed at laying down the industrial base to be used later for arms production. Suvorov points out: “At the beginning of the first Plan the Red Army had seventy nine tanks; at the end it had over 4,538.”. During the second Plan a huge industrial base was created. “This meant the creation of furnaces, giant electricity plants and oxygen plants and coal ore mines. The main production of arms was not yet the main objective although Stalin did not forget about it either; in the two five year intervals 21, 573 war planes were produced.” These numbers are thought-provoking. For what purpose were such a huge number of war planes produced?

The American President Franklin D Roosevelt (FDR)and his coterie of Zionist-Communist-Jewish advisors wanted to build Communist Soviet Union as a power because the Bolshevik Revolution was an anti-Christian coup d’état and because the Bolshevik government was dominated by Jews.According to Molotov Stalin had relocated abut twenty million Russians during collectivization. Suvorov points out: “3.5 to 5 million people perished from famine, and about 3 to 4million people died as a result of intolerable conditions repression and unbearable life.” And “Stalin meanwhile, during these horrible times was selling millions of tons of grain each year to accumulate currency to produce weapons in mass quantities.” These were ordinary believing Christian citizens of Russia exterminated by Stalin’s measures. FDR did not lift a finger and provided massive help to the Stalin regime.

The Americans, under FDR, built the world’s largest factory in the Soviet Union in the 1930s. Suvorov writes: “Americans talk with deserved pride of the giant factory which they designed and built not in America, but in the Soviet Union. During the course of six  decades, until the very crumbling of the Soviet Union, Uralvagonzavod remained the largest enterprise in the world (the Guinness book of records confirms this). Uralvagonzavod was built in such a manner that it could at any moment switch from producing railroad cars to producing tanks. In 1941, an order was issued to produce tanks to produce tanks, and Uralvagonzavod without any delays began mass production. During the four years of war, Uralvagonzavod produced 35,000 tanks. It also produced other weapons.” 

Suvorov narrates: “When Hitler came to power in Germany in 1933, the German army had zero tanks, while the Red Army had 4,000 tanks. In the whole of 1933, not a single tank was built in Germany; in contrast, 3,819 tanks of all types and modifications were produced in the Soviet Union. The production of tanks began in Germany in 1934; in the next five years, German factories produced 2,683 tanks. Soviet factories in the same time period produced 14,283 tanks. On January 1, 1939, the Red Army was equipped with 21,100 battle ready tanks. In 1939 Hitler started world war II with 3,195 tanks, the same number that the Soviet factories produced per year in peacetime.”

Stalin had developed his armor and aviation capacities for a massive offensive war. The scale on which Stalin carried out his war preparations was colossal. Stalin ordered the development of tanks with thick armor and powerful guns which could move at high speeds. The BT series of tanks could move at 110 km/hr (69 mph) on metaled roads. Stalin also ordered the development of amphibian tanks. No army in the world possessed amphibian tanks at that time. Amphibian tanks are required for offensive war where they can cross rivers if the enemy destroys bridges. Amphibian tanks have no role in defensive warfare. Stalin had plans for global conquest. Quite logically and naturally, Stalin wished to conquer Europe first in which these amphibian tanks had a role. But Hitler destroyed these tanks in his preemptive attack.

Suvorov writes: “The best (and only) in the world, Soviet amphibian tanks in 1941 became unnecessary and played no role in the war. But why does one not ask the question why then were they developed and built? What were they prepared for? Why did Stalin need four thousand amphibian tanks which he could not use in defensive war? Where was comrade Stalin preparing to sail?” In fact, if one looks development of aviation capacity, one cannot help concluding that Stalin had plans of global conquest. The Su-2 plane (also named Ivanov which was one of Stalin’s aliases) is an example. It was planned to produce 100,000 to 150,000 Su-2’s. This is mind boggling. But in order not to scare the world several hundred were initially produced. 

The Su-2 did not need proper runways for takeoff or landing. It could take off or land on any level field. It was a multipurpose aircraft. “It could be used as a light bomber, a tactical reconnaissance plane and an attack plane…. It possessed great firepower.  Under its wings it could carry up to ten rocket propelled shells of 82mm or 132mm caliber.” Suvorov notes: “The rocket propelled shells were a ferocious weapon, especially if used suddenly and simultaneously by groups of ten planes flying at low altitude. Groups of Su-2’s could become ‘flying batteries’. Apart from rocket missiles, the Ivanov Su-2 could carry 400 to 600 kilograms of bombs, and five ShKAAS machine guns which, at that time held the record in firing range.” The Su-2 was an offensive warplane but could not be used for defensive purposes. Hitler destroyed the Soviet airbases in his preemptive attack and Su-2 could not be put to the use for which it was meant.

Stalin’s regime built a variety or very effective aircraft but the number of fighter planes built was quite small. Why was this so? Fighter planes are needed for defending and Stalin had plans for an offensive war – he planned to destroy enemy aircraft on the ground. For that reason, Soviet pilots were not trained for dog fights because dog fights ae needed for defense not offense. Under Stalin, the Soviets developed a variety of bombers and attack aircraft. The “new” categories included IL-2, Pe-2, MiG-3, Yak-1 and LaGG-3. In addition, the “new” types of planes included Ar-2, Er-2, Su-2, Pe-8, Yak-2, Yak-4 and Il-4. The Er-2 bomber had a range of 4,000 km. Hitler did not have a comparable bomber till the end of the war. The Mig-3 had a speed of 678km/hr at a height of 7,000 meters. Germany had no comparable plane. In 1936 the Soviet DB-3 bomber lifted 2,000 kg to a height 11,005 meters, a world record that was not equaled until after WWII. The TB-3 bomber could carry a bomb load to two to four tons with a range of 2,250 km. Among the “old” or “obsolete” category was the I-16. The ace British pilot Alfred Price had the following to say about Il-16: “The most powerful weapon among the series of fighters in the world was possessed by the Russian I-16, which twice surpassed the Bf-109e and almost three times the ‘Spitfire-I’.”

Further, the Soviet military might was not illusory. But Stalin concealed his might because he had plans to conquer Europe and then the whole world. In August 1939 the new Soviet might destroyed the Sixth Army of Japan in a lighting war waged out of sight of observers, diplomats, and journalists in the Mongolian wilderness. And Stalin kept this stunning victory in wraps – it was not reported even in the Soviet press! The Russians had avenged the defeat in the Russo-Japanese war of 1905 but had kept it secret.“Stalin’s interest lay in letting the whole world believe in the backwardness of the Red Army and its inability to conduct modern warfare. Stalin’s interest lay in catching Hitler off-guard, in not scaring him”.

Suvorov writes: “Khalkin-Gol was the first lightning war of the twentieth century; it was blitzkrieg in the purest form. It was the first time in history that large masses of tanks were used correctly to strike in depth. This was the prime example of unseen concentration of artillery in tight areas of the front. It was an example of absolute surprise attacks – during the first hour and a half of the battle, the Japanese artillery did not fire a single shot and not a single Japanese plane rose in the air.” The aforementioned description of Soviet military might is essential for comprehending Stalin’s strategy.

On August 11, 1939, the British and French delegations arrived in Moscow and let the Russians know that they would declare war on Germany in case Hitler attacked Poland. Suvorov points out: “Stalin could have solved the problem of Europe’s safety on his own. He only had to make his position clear to Hitler: If Hitler were to begin a war against Poland he would not receive Soviet oil, grain, cotton, iron ore, magnesium, chrome, zinc, nickel and tin. Without these things Hitler could not have fought.” But that was not what Stalin wanted. Having come to know of their intention Stalin broke off communications with the British and the French and took several crucial steps on August 19, 1939. First, he sent a draft proposal to an agreement to the German ambassador on an agreement on foreign policy. On the same date he ordered a mobilization of the Red Army. He had, on August 19, 1939 received a telegram from Gen. Zhukov stating that he had inflicted a crushing defeat on Japan’s Sixth Army.

On that very date, August 19, 1939, Stalin conducted a super-secret Politburo meeting, a meeting whose existence was denied for a long time until evidence emerged that indeed the meeting had been held. The reason for this secrecy lay in in the fact that in this speech Stalin revealed his intentions to precipitate World War II. Suvorov quotes from Stalin’s speech (emphasis added): “If we accept Germany’s proposal about the conclusion of a pact regarding invasion, she will of course attack Poland, and France and England’s involvement in the war shall become inevitable. Western Europe will be subjected to serious disorders and disturbances. Under these conditions we will have many chances to stay on the sidelines of the conflict, and we will be able to count on our advantageous entrance into the war.” 

Stalin went on to say that (emphasis added), “It is in the interest of U.S.S.R. – the mother of workers – that war unfolds between the Reich and the capitalist Anglo-French block. It is necessary to do everything within our powers to make the war as long as possible, in order to exhaust the two sides. It is precisely for this reason that we must agree to signing the pact, proposed by Germany, and work on making this war, once declared, last a maximum amount of time. As a result, on August 23, 1939, the so-called Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact was signed in Moscow. Stalin, though he held no office, was present at the signing ceremony and can be seen in photographs taken on the occasion. It was thus Stalin who deliberately created conditions that led to WWII. His role as the “real culprit” has been concealed for too long. And Stalin wished to enter the war at an opportune moment after the two sides had exhausted themselves.

On August 19, 1939, Stalin issued orders for convening an emergency meeting of the Supreme Soviet of the U.S.S.S.R. The date was fixed as September 1, because it sometimes took ten to twelve days for delegates from distant parts of the country to reach Moscow. On that date while the Supreme Soviet met, Hitler invaded Poland. The Supreme Soviet took decisions that indicated Stalin’s intention to enter the war and the timetable of that entry. Firstly, the emergency meeting ratified the military draft. Secondly, the Soviet lowered the draft age from 21 to 19 years, and for some categories to 18 years. It is almost certain that when, on August 19, 1939, Stalin issued the call for the Supreme Soviet meeting he had both these decisions in mind. The draft was introduced at a time when no known country had intended to go to war with the U.S.S.R. Why then the draft? Suvorov notes: “A surprising thing: while children and adults were taught to fear Hitler, while Hitler was considered a tyrant and monster, the country could do without a draft, But, as soon as a non-aggression pact was signed, a universal mandatory draft all of a sudden became necessary.” 

Suvorov points out (emphasis added): “The law adopted on September 1, 1939, allowed for an increase in the ranks of the Red Army from 1.5 million men in the summer of 1939 to 5.7 million men in the spring of 1941 without declaring mobilization and alarming the neighbors. Additionally, the law allowed for preparation of 18 million reservists, so that at any moment they could fill the ranks with the desired number of soldiers.” Stalin was obviously planning for a very major war effort. The draft period ended by September 1, 1941, and at that point the draftees had to be disbanded or released. 

What then was the point of drafting people if there was going to be no war? Suvorov observes: “When he made the decision to launch a secret mobilization, Stalin firmly knew that in two years, in the summer of 1941, the Soviet Union must enter into a large war. Without war, no terror could suffice to keep five million soldiers, who have already served their required two years, in their barracks.” Suvorov correctly notes: “To put it more simply, the decision to enter a large war was made in Kremlin in August 1939 and deadline for entering the war was set – the summer of 1941.” In the Army one has division, corps and then armies. Suvorov mentions that in June 1939, when Hitler was considered an enemy, the Soviet Union had two field armies. The steps taken after the Molotov-Ribbentrop non-aggression pact resulted in the Soviet Union raising thirty-one (31) field armies by June 1941, of which twenty-six (26) were deployed in the European part of the country. Why did the number of armies increase over fifteen-fold after the non-aggression pact with Germany had been signed? Stalin had the intention of conqueringthe whole of Europe as a prelude to global conquest.

On November 30, 1939, Stalin attacked Finland with the object of capturing it by December 21, 1929. The Finns put up unexpectedly strong resistance causingthe war to last 106 days. The Soviets encountered the unsurpassable Mannerheim line of defense. The Soviet army had to use 132 tons of shells to destroy just one pill box! It was then that the development of 305 mm howitzer took place. The previous howitzers were 203 mm. The Finnish war gave the Red Army the experience to fight a war in extremely cold weather. The German army lacked such experience. More importantly, Finland was the source of 70% of the nickel that Germany needed. The war ended on March 13, 1940. The Finnish nickel mines at Petsamo were, from then onwards, run jointly by the Soviet and Finnish companies. Thus a vital resource for Germany was now under Soviet control.

In summer 1940 the Soviet Union simply annexed the three Baltic states of Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia. Having witnessed the fate of Finland the three states did not resist. Suvorov writes: “The Red Army came out of its fortified areas to the front lines in Lithuania, right up to the German border, and transferred there its air bases, staff headquarters, communication centers, and strategic supply sources.” These actions are difficult to understand unless Stalin had plans to attack Germany at some point.  It was thus in summer 1940 that “Hitler understood that at any moment the Soviet fleet could cut the only tie binding the faraway Swedish ports with the metal forging bases in Germany.”

Suvorov notes: “In June 1940 neither Hitler nor his generals had any intentions or plans to attack the Soviet Union the Oberkommando der Heeres (OKH – German Army High Command) and the Oberkommando der Wehrmacht (Supreme Command of the Air Forces) had neither rough drafts nor preliminary designs for war against the U.S.S.R. They had no orders from Hitler in this regard. Not a word was said about war against U.S.S.R.” Apart from vital minerals that Germany obtained from other countries, the most vital need the Germans had was for oil.Almost 70% of German oil came from Rumanian oil fields. A blockade made it impossible for Germany to obtain oil from sources that would require shipment by sea. Thus Romanian oil was of crucial importance to the German war effort.

Suvorov points out: “Stalin strove to persuade Hitler that he wanted peace. At the same time, Stalin very persistently crawled toward the life-sustaining resources of Germany. For Stalin. It was not enough that the Red Army and fleet had under their control all the routes through which Germany got her iron ore, timber, and nickel. Stalin decided to move his divisions right up to the regions from which received its petroleum supplies.”  On June 9, 1940, the Soviet government created a Southern front consisting of the 5th, 9th and 12th armies. It comprised of thirteen corps, composed of “forty divisions: thirty two rifle divisions, two motorized rifle divisions and six mounted divisions.” The aviation component of the Southern front consisted of twenty-one fighter and twenty-four bomber regiments. “The total number of troops was 460,000 soldiers and officers, using twelve thousand guns, three thousand tanks, and two thousand planes.” General G. K. Zhukov commanded the Southern front.

The Southern front was then concentrated on the Romanian border. Stalin ordered Gen. Zhukov to secure Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina from Romania. The Romanians had seen the fate of Finland and therefore thought it prudent to give up the areas without a fight.“At the end of June 1940 Romanian troops retreated from and Soviet troops entered Bessarabia and Northern Bukovina. These territories were added to the constituency of the Soviet Union.” For Hitler this was a most disturbing development. The distance between the Soviet troops the vital Ploeistioilfields was now just 180 kilometers. The Soviet Union had the world’s fastest tanks. On good roads and flat terrain, and this was indeed the case with Romania, the BT7M tanks had a speed of 76 km/hr. The Soviet tanks could reach the Ploeisti oil field in one night – in fact in amere three hours if the tanks rolled at full speed.

After the defeat of France Hitler had ordered a reduction in his armed forces. Suvorov writes: “This reduction was widespread and intense, for there were no plans, hints, or foresight indicating that a war againstthe Soviet Union might be approaching. And all at once came the Soviet strike against Romania. Oil is the blood of war. Without oil fighting becomes impossible. Stalin’s axe was raised over oil production in Romania.” What was Hitler to do? “In Berlin it was finally realized that the Soviet threat to Germany was lethal.” Hitler had a serious problem: “There were no German troops in Romania. It was impossible to quickly transfer troops from France.” Hitler realized that not only was the major German oil source under threat, in view of the Soviet might concentrated in Romania, the road to Berlin could be laid open by Stalin’s tanks.

In view of Stalin’s attack on Switzerland, his capture of three Baltic states and annexation of parts of Romania, it became clear to Hitler that Stalin had dangerous intentions towards Hitler. Starting in summer 1940, Hitler took a year to plan a war against the Soviet Union – the well-known Operation Barbarossa. He had no choice. He did not wish to open a new front but what if Stalin attacked? Then Germany would fall in little time as its oil supply in Romania would be cut off. Even though some of his own officers questioned Operation Barabarossa, calling it “extremely risky”, Hitler attacked U.S.S.R. on June 22, 1941. At that time Germany had no heavy tanks – it had 3,332 light and obsolete tanks. The Red Army had 23,295 tanks “including the best models in the world that had the best tank-innovations of the time….”Still Hitler was forced to open a new front. On July 27, 1942 he stated that “In the summer of 1941 they [Soviets] intended to deliver a crushing defeat to Romania, for it was the only country, except Russia, that delivered oil to us.”

The Soviet Union had colossal equipment building capacity, huge natural resources, and by far, the largest army in the world. In a speech on December 11, 1941, Hitler stated: “Already in 1940 it became clear from month to month that the plans of the men in Kremlin were aimed at domination, and thus destruction, of all of Europe… Only a blind person could fail to see that a military build-up of unique world historical dimensions was being carried out. And this was not in order to protect something which was being threatened, but rather only to attack that which seemed incapable of defense…. I may say this today: If the wave of more than 20,000 tanks, hundreds of divisions, tens of thousands of artillery pieces, along with more than 10,000 air-planes, had not been kept from being set into motion against the Reich, Europe would have been lost.”

Suvorov’s book confirms Hitler’s assessment. Well known American author, the late Jim Marrs, points out that even though, by 2011, Suvorov’s work had been published in 87 editions and 18 languages, “it received no mention in the U.S. corporate mass media despite the fact that his assertions turn conventional history upside down.” Such is the dishonest role of the U.S. mainstream media and its court historians. 

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