Captured Indian pilot all praise for Pak Army for impressive hospitality



Indian Air Force Wing Commander Abhinandan put it on record on Wednesday that the Pak Army treated him very well after taking him into custody.

In a short video released hours after the capture, Abhinandan expressed that he was impressed with the way he was treated by the ‘thorough gentlemen’of  Pakistan’s armed forces.

I would like to put this on record that I will not change my statement if I go back to my country also, the captured pilot said while asserting that he was treated well.

Abhinandan lavished praise on the Pak Army personnel who looked after him very well.

Starting from the captain who has rescued me from the mob and from this jawan, from this soldier and thereafter the officers of unit [where] I was taken to, the captured pilot noted adding that this is what he would expect Indian Army to behave as.

Holding a cup of tea in his hands, the pilot detailed that he was from ‘down South’ in India without revealing further details.

Abhinandan was captured by Pakistan after it shot down two Indian Air Force aircraft in

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