Shae Gill joins Pakistani celebs who are outraged over churches attack in Jaranwala

Several Christian churches and homes in Jaranwala tehsil of the eastern city of Faisalabad were vandalised and torched a day earlier by the mob after two minority men were accused of desecrating the Holy Quran. Many celebrities have expressed their outrage regarding the injustice.

Recently, attention focused on Shae Gill, a singer who had not yet addressed the tragic Faisalabad attacks on the Christian community, eliciting substantial criticism from online users.

Under the mounting pressure, Shae has since utilized her Instagram platform to express her thoughts on the attacks, offering insight into her emotions and advocating for change. “This afternoon, I learned about the hate crimes occurring in Faisalabad,” Shae conveyed. “I was at a loss for words. Acts of hatred against minorities occur all too often, many driven by baseless accusations. It’s painful and leaves one speechless, almost literally.”

The Pasoori singer went on to share, “My prayers are with ending this injustice. Ultimately, the key solution lies in enlightening the masses. People like you and me recognize the wrong, but the broader population often does not. Educate those you encounter to the best of your ability. Transformation takes time, but it must start somewhere.”

The artist also extended gratitude to those who stood up to defend her amidst a barrage of attacks. “I also want to thank my friends for their unwavering support and defence. I hold deep affection for all of you,” the singer expressed on her Instagram Story. This statement follows a series of her fans expressing disappointment with her recent black-and-white Instagram post for not addressing the distressing attacks on the Christian community.

One Instagram user remarked, “You posted this picture nine hours ago. Do you not know what innocent people in Jaranwala have endured? They have suffered due to their faith. You hold a public image, and it would have been appropriate to include something about your faith – a few sombre words reflecting your empathy,” while another added, “It’s disheartening that you possess a platform to raise awareness about the plight of Christians in Pakistan at this moment, yet you have not done so.”

However, there were individuals who came forward to defend the singer as well. “Let’s remember that she is a singer, not an activist. The incident is undoubtedly heinous and barbaric, but we can’t anticipate her to solve all our issues,” a user of the image-sharing app reasoned. Another individual reiterated, “People should be more considerate toward artists and individuals in general. I believe I can speak for the Christian community when I say that we are all deeply affected by the Jaranwala incident. Whether or not we choose to make a political statement is a personal decision.”

Continuing, the comment emphasized, “Being in the public eye and making political statements, particularly on a sensitive topic like religion, is no easy feat. A single phrase that the masses disapprove of can make you a target (and this is amplified tenfold for minorities). It’s worth noting that many minorities in Pakistan avoid discussing religion, fearing their words will be misconstrued. Have we ever considered that she, too, is one of us and that there are certain subjects she may not feel comfortable discussing, fame notwithstanding? This is a moment for all Pakistanis to unite and strive for a more tolerant and peaceful Pakistan, rather than perpetuating more animosity. Let there be peace.”

Adding their voices to the discourse, actors Ahmed Ali Butt and Zara Noor Abbas Siddiqui also shared their viewpoints on the attacks. Ahmed conveyed on his Instagram Story, “In what legal system or religion does it condone the desecration of a place of worship? The events in Jaranwala are lamentable, shocking, and fundamentally non-Islamic. Our religion emphasizes tolerance and respect for others as core values. Those responsible for the destruction of the church must be held accountable.” Zara expressed, “I deeply regret that the Christian community had to endure such a grievous ordeal in Pakistan envisioned by Jinnah. We are filled with shame, for this is not the Pakistan that Jinnah envisioned—a compassionate nation.”

What’s next after Christian churches, homes vandalised in Pakistan s Jaranwala?

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